
Why Samantha Brick is very, very wrong, again

I was absolutely horrified to read Samantha Brick of the Daily Mail’s

I was absolutely horrified to read Samantha Brick of the Daily Mail’s latest article, in which she claims: “There is nothing that signifies failure more than fat.”

Yes, the same airhead who claimed she was so gorgeous it was making life a burden is now telling us “any woman who wants to stay beautiful must diet every day of her life.”

What an arrogant, conceited woman! I believe a healthy lifestyle is so important and, unfortunately, it is something too few of us Brits really achieve. Nonetheless, to write crass comments such as “I fainted with hunger on one occasion – a minor hitch, eclipsed by the fact that I was being asked out on lots of dates” is as asinine as it is irresponsible.

For the Western woman, being slim is undoubtedly a struggle. We are encouraged to buy branded junk food by advertisers yet at the same time society also tells us we are not worthy if we are not model material.  I believe that all adults are responsible for their dietary choices, especially in the past few years when the dangers of junk food have received an increasing media focus.

Moderation and a sensible attitude are key. Samantha Brick-style starvation is certainly not sensible.

I will admit, I have seen both sides of the coin. As a child and a young teenager I was overweight. I am five feet, two inches tall and at my heaviest I was around ten stone. At my lightest I was just over seven. How did I achieve this impressive weight loss? By starvation.

At my skinniest, my diet was typically thus: breakfast would consist of an apple, lunch a cereal bar and dinner whatever was put in front of me. I was running on no more than 1,200 calories and taking part in numerous after school activities as well as exercising frequently. I was never anorexic but I was certainly very controlling of my diet.

Then I entered a new relationship and grew comfortable with my body.  My boyfriend and I would, and often still do, chill out with a film and a tub of Ben and Jerry’s. My weight went up to a much more sensible, but for me a horrifying, eight stone.

Now I take a much more healthy approach to my diet. I try to eat plenty of protein and on the whole unrefined carbohydrates with virtually no processed food. I do have the occasional Domino’s or Frappuccino with friends but I think this is acceptable when the rest of the time I aim for clean living. I go to the gym now to strengthen my body- not to mutilate it. I have much more energy and am happier than when I was at my skinniest and get ill much less frequently than when I was at my biggest. I refuse to weigh myself – how I look and how I feel tells me all I need to know.

This is why Ms Brick’s untactful, ignorant comments rile me so. I don’t believe it is just me but a surge of young people who are taking a real interest in healthy living and respecting their bodies. Now this washed-up wannabe is telling us to damage ourselves to be attractive? I don’t think so.

I, like you Ms Brick, have no intention of “letting my body slide flabbily into middle age”. The difference between us is that I shall respect my body, and others, while achieving this.

What do you think? Do you agree with Samantha Brick? Or are her claims inaccurate? Have your say in the comments section below, on Facebook or on Twitter.