
6 Types of booklet printing & how they are useful for your business

booklet printing
Written by Nigel Simpkins

Custom booklet printing could be the best thing you do for the traditional offline marketing campaigns used to promote your business. Whether you are eschewing online marketing platforms entirely or using a combination of digital marketing and traditional print marketing techniques, printed booklets can convey the perfect message to your customers and potential customers. When put together well with the help of an expert, professional printing services, it can make a genuine difference to the long-term success of your company.

What is a promotional booklet for business?

A booklet that is used for promotional purposes for a business is quite often the best way to put across vital information about products and services. A promotional booklet comes in a variety of sizes and page numbers, and custom booklet printing allows for a wide range of flexibility in design and size to fit your very specific needs.

In the modern world of fast-paced online marketing techniques, the traditional printed form of marketing provides something tangible that the readers can hold in their hand and really get stuck into. A professional, customised print run of promotional booklets can make a real impression on the people you want to impress.

What can I order with custom booklet printing?

There are a few different ways in which you might want to use a promotional booklet. For some businesses it is used to showcase your work, your products, and services, or to inform and educate the reader about your business and industry as a way of becoming an authority in the field.

Your promotional booklets can come in many different shapes and sizes. On average a promotional booklet will be between four and 50 pages, small enough that it is not a daunting book size, and if you need it to be to get the point across.

The different types of booklet printing include:

1. Product portfolio – a promotional booklet that has been professionally printed is an amazing way to highlight your products and services. With professional, high-quality photographs you can create a striking booklet that draws in the eye and makes the reader want to find out more about what you do. A portfolio booklet is great for photographers, artists, and creative businesses, showcasing your precise style and what customers can expect.

2. Instruction manuals and ‘How to booklets’ – an owner manual is a custom printed booklet that contains all the important information about a particular product. How-to booklets and instruction manuals provide a step- by-step journey for a customer to follow to ensure a product is used to its maximum efficiency. It will also include details on a product warranty and guarantee.

3. Newsletter – putting together a newsletter is a great way to help a company put forward its brand and any recent relevant news to existing customers. A newsletter will contain any information about what’s going on at the business, changes in policies, or new products and services that are coming up. They can also be used to offer incentives, discounts, and deals for existing customers who have signed up.

4. Promotional brochures – these are sales booklets that have been put together with specific products and services, alongside precise information, and descriptions of each product. This is a fantastic way of precisely showcasing your products to existing and potential customers. Every business faces stiff competition, no matter the industry they are in. A promotional brochure that has up-to-date information will help the company to be trustworthy and welcoming to customers.

5. Reference guides – a reference guide is a booklet that is useful for many types of businesses and within myriad sectors and industries. Like the instruction manual in terms of descriptive detail on a product, a reference guide is brief in nature and contain essential dos and don’ts, the features, and benefits of the products.

6. Before and after – sometimes the best way to get a reader to buy into your company and to make that step to become a customer is to show them exactly how you do what you do. In some cases, you can showcase clear before and after pictures and demonstrations of how your product or service has helped your customers to succeed. A promotional booklet is the perfect vehicle to showcase this and to help people see the benefits of your company.

If you are sold on the idea of printed booklets to help promote your company and brand (and why wouldn’t you be after seeing all this), then the next step is to find a printing service that matches your requirements and budgets. It could be that you also need help with the design of the promotional booklet. If this is the case, look for a printing solution that provides this service on top of the print run itself. Custom booklet printing gives you control over the promotional items you are putting out into the world, with high quality print and an eye-catching design.

Author Bio

Kelly Harris

Kelly lives a life in CMYK as the Business Development Director for YouLovePrint – Making professional printing available to everyone online. As part of the Pureprint Group, they print everything themselves in the UK on industry leading printing machines. They’re also CarbonNeutral®. See Kelly’s Linkedin Profile.