
Songs to get through anything

listening to music, kettle mag
Written by Alex Ramsden

Everyone knows their favourite songs. Tunes that define an era, a state of mind, a relationship. Bob Marley once said “when music hits you, you feel no pain” and that is very nearly true, mate.

Here are five songs that have defined a moment in time, the personal and emotional odyssey of humankind.

Driftwood by Travis

An underrated belter from the Scottish alt-rockers. At the time of me going through a break-up (that old chestnut), this song came on when I was walking somewhere. I think it may have been an Asda FM special. So, I’m trudging around whacking pot noodles and Dr Pepper in my trolley, Travis playing in the background, gazing my way through the stars of the aisles.

It didn’t matter that time was up on this moment in life. It didn’t matter that the credits had rolled on my first meaningful relationship. I was Fran Healy, drifting towards the next thing. Clinging onto the driftwood of existence and letting it take me to places I could never have dreamed of.

Real Love Baby by Father John Misty

A recent discovery for me. The lucid psych-pop never fails to get me in the mood to chill or go out and get battered. It depends what kind of day it’s been I suppose. This song is close to my heart because it was the song I remember being on my iPod first as I travelled to the big city of London. I had a job interview for a journalism job and it was all about the experience. ‘There’s a world inside me’ says Misty, dripping in psychedelic mystique.

It wasn’t important whether I got the job or not. I’d gone from being discarded on the scrapheap and struggling to even get a few day’s work at the local fish factory to travelling to our nation’s capital for an interview in the industry.

Hey Jude- The Beatles

You cannot go wrong with the Fab Four. Regular followers of my blog will know about Box in Crewe. The nightclub where I have only fond memories. Anyway, some selfish person (probably involved in a “committee” decided to close the place down and we went, emotionally, to the tearful farewell of the sweat-box of dreams.

The last song of the night is always a rollercoaster of rolling tears, riding emotions and ridiculous hand-holding circles with everyone singing en masse. This was the latter. As Macca chimed in with ‘heyyy Jude’, the remaining students in Box linked together in a show of solidarity and shredded their voices singing along. Nice.

Please Don’t- Courteeners

Another one for the ages. Another one that spoke to me on many personal levels after being on the receiving end of a betrayal. ‘Please don’t pretend that we’ll stay friends’ is such a gem of advice. How many people have stayed friends with an ex? It can’t be very many. Liam Fray was dumped by a bird from Middleton when he was about seventeen and did an Adele- spending time writing a whole album about it.

It was therapeutic to him. It was nice to know that no matter the emotional levels and feelings, you can never be on your own. The problems infecting your mind and spirit are always shared by others. This song does that.

Baby, I Love Your Way- Big Mountain

Its opening refrain needs to be shouted from the rooftops. Ooooooh baby, I love your way. This is a song that makes me happy. Pure and simple. You cannot be unhappy listening to reggae music. I remember this was the song that I listened to in my hotel room in Amsterdam. It came on the music channel on the telly.

There I was, under the influence, in the mood of my life and this magical song blares out in my throbbing head. The sun was shining, everything was bliss, it was like a romantic film. Weirdly, this always seems to come on everytime I get in my sisters car. Not that I mind. It’s a tune and a half.