Emory Hall is a travel photographer, as well as currently working as her musician husband’s creative director. She follows him on tour and has created the photographic artwork for his three most recent albums.
Emory travels around the globe, and has visited places like India, Turkey and Nepal, capturing the culture and life of the natives through her photos. Her photos are like a documentary in that they reveal the daily lives of the people she comes across.
Not only does she take photographs for herself, to remember her travels, but her images have also been used in a variety of publications such as LA Yoga Magazine, Elephant Journal and Healthy Life Nepal. Her work has been featured in multiple exhibitions within California and New York.
What makes Emory stand out as a travel photographer is that she self-identifies as a “visual journalist”, meaning she aims to capture the lives and stories behind the photographs she takes.
Emory also takes the time to build a rapport with the subjects she photographs so you also get to see their personalities shine through the image she captures of them. This rapport means these people are comfortable enough with Emory to show genuine emotions, making them unique for the viewer as it feels like you are getting a snapshot into their personal lives.
The spectacular landscapes and stories of people which Emory's photographs have a magical ability to draw you into the scene they are capturing, making you feel as if you know the place. Emory's ability to do this comes from her skillful eye for detail and personable nature.
Emory Hall is a huge inspiration to me, and her photography motivates me to ensure I travel with my career and have some of the experiences she has had through her camera work. I love following her on Instagram, which displays not only her photography work, but also her travels around the world with or without her husband.
She also includes personal posts about her spiritual beliefs and Hinduism teachings, which I find calming and educational.
My dream would be to meet her and discuss her work one day. For now, I will settle with potentially buying some of her prints for my bedroom wall, which can be purchased via her website. I want to continue to be motivated by her and take more steps towards my ideal role within journalism.
This is because I feel that it is just as important as written journalism to be able to convey stories and meanings using thoughtful and provoking images.
Photographs really are a window into the soul of a person. For me, and certainly for Emory Hall, a picture can speak a thousand words.