social media

Social craze: #WhyDidIGoogle hashtag leaves the social media world laughing

Written by GemmHirst

Since the whole GBBO charade, I had feared that Twitter was going to be full of baked Alaska jokes this week.

Since the whole GBBO charade, I had feared that Twitter was going to be full of baked Alaska jokes this week. But while ‘The Great British Bake Off’ was on, tweeters were instead obsessed with the hashtag #WhyDidIGoogle.

It was created by Chris Hardwick, the presenter of Comedy Central’s @midnight and more known to Kettle readers by the upstart of the hashtag #RuinAChildrensBook, for the 16th anniversary of Google founding. He tweeted:

So that caused everyone to admit the embarrassing questions that they had searched on Google. The #WhyDidIGoogle hashtag was trending not only in the UK and the US, but across to Greece and Italy.

Here are some of the funniest tweets Kettle found:

It is just like that awkward moment when you get spotted by your parents for Googling something rude…

It was rather funny for us at Kettle to see what embarrassing things people Google, and that they are quite happy to broadcast it on social media!

What do you think of this week’s social craze? Let us know in the comments below.

Photo: jacinta lluch valero / Flickr