social media

Social craze: Reaction to the London tube strike

Public transport can be a pain in the you-know-what at times, but I have recently noticed the irate tweets that have been popping up on my news feed about t

Public transport can be a pain in the you-know-what at times, but I have recently noticed the irate tweets that have been popping up on my news feed about the #TubeStrike. Yes, I may not live in London (though I wish I did at times) but I certainly feel like I have experienced and lived with this tube strike.
Thousands of people have been using the #TubeStrike to express their anger over the strike that had started at the end of April.
With a 48-hour tube strike, it was more than 260 ticket offices that were shut and everyone took to Twitter to tell people about it.
Seriously, some of you guys out there love to use social media as a platform for you to complain. Being an northern lass, the closest I can get to a #TubeStrike is if the Metro (tacky version of the tube) is delayed. Even then I don’t ramble on about it over social media, but you users of the tube certainly do.
Here are some examples of the rants that I had come across:

What do you think? Have your say in the comments section below.

Photo: Andre Zehetbauer