
Review: Oh My Godley at the Edinburgh Fringe

I would call this show ‘perfection’, but that word has been devalued by a distinctly crappy quiz show of the same name on BBC.

I would call this show ‘perfection’, but that word has been devalued by a distinctly crappy quiz show of the same name on BBC.

Meet Janey Godley. You’ll know her soon enough.

This is comedy as gut-wrenchingly honest best. It’s introduced by her daughter Ashley (who also has her own show) whose scathing brand of self-criticism set the tone for a 60 minutes confessional in the intimate Dairy Room off Bristo Square.

No topic is out of bounds. None. I believe that Janey was actually bent double with laughter at some of her daughter’s material at her own expense. The reason I don’t know for certain is that I was busy checking my hernia hadn’t been forced back out.

Real comedic skill is demonstrated: a man entering the auditorium was branded as ‘looking like’ a hipster – prompting a number of unflattering jokes…powerful enough to prompt those sitting around him to continue ripping him to shreds as they exited at the end.

Kettle rating: 5/5

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