
Getting to know you: Performing arts graduate Alex Harden

Welcome to ‘Getting to Know You.’ This will be a regular feature at Kettle Mag, where we will be interviewing students with degrees in the arts to find out why they chose that subject and what their plans are for the future.

In case you missed our first interview, you can catch up here. But for our second piece in the series, deputy editor Lorna Holland interviews Alex Harden, a performing arts graduate from Canterbury Christ Church University. 

First – the basics.

Name: Alex Kirsty Harden                             

Age: 22

Arts subject chosen to study: Performing Arts

University: Canterbury Christ Church

When did you graduate? Graduated 2015

Why did you choose to study Performing Arts?

I really enjoyed Performing Arts at college and I wanted to make more out of it. University was also a great opportunity to leave home!

What’s the best thing about studying a subject within the arts?

Getting to do what you love, as well as getting involved with other’s projects.

Are there any opportunities to showcase your talents within your university?

Absolutely! That’s one of the ways you cast your projects, by getting involved in other’s assessments.

What plans do you have for your future career?

I currently have a plan to go to Pennsylvania in the summer to be a theatre technician, in a summer camp.

If you could have any dream job in the arts, what would it be?

I would love to be an events manager, band manager or company manager. I love this job role as it can be quite stressful, however the reward definitely pays off. Also you get to be involved with everyone.  

Do you have any advice for future students wishing to study arts subjects?

Prepare to learn theory as well as practical. Things can get hectic, but it’s the best way to learn.

Why do you think it’s important that we support the arts and keep them alive in education?

The arts allow people to express themselves as well as have fun at the same time. It’s something people enjoy and the arts can often entertain others. 

Are you a current/former student studying an arts subject? Would you like to take part in ‘Getting to Know You?’ Get in touch via @KettleMag on Twitter and let us know!