Whether you celebrate Halloween or not, the festivity is upon us. I don’t know about you, but I...
Author - ritacunha
Life lessons I’ve learned from books
Growing up, my parents always encouraged me to have my nose in a book. We were fortunate enough to...
Western feminism and rural women
We can all safely say that 2017 was a great year for the gender equality movement. From the...
Female taxi drivers: working in a male-dominated field
Every day is a good day to reflect on inequalities still instilled in our society. In a society...
The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock
After months of anticipation and buzz surrounding Imogen Hermes Gowar’s debut novel was released on...
Being a young woman in 2017
Whilst researching for this feature, I wanted to know more about what women thought about explores...
Fire and Fury — a look into Trump’s White House
Michael Wolff’s non-fiction book Fire and Fury hit the shelves on January 5th, 2018, and...
New Year, New Books
As a bookworm who takes immense joy in reading new releases, writing my opinions about them...
The (Woke) Golden Globes
The 75th Golden Globe Awards, which took place on January 7th, was the first awards show after the...
Toby Young is appointed for the Office for Students
Toby Young, former journalist and free school advocate, was announced on January 1st as one of the...
Feminism: Word of The Year
Every year in the month of December the Merriam-Webster dictionary announces its word of the year...
The Best Books of 2017
This year saw the publication of many excellent books, both by debut novelists and by authors that...
Lubaina Himid wins the Turner Prize 2017
Lubaina Himid won the Turner Prize this Tuesday night, an internationally acclaimed award in the...
Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet
Vegetarian diets are becoming increasingly famous. Celebrities are now more vocal about changes...
Donald Trump retweets inflamatory anti-Muslim videos
On Wednesday the 29th, President Donald Trump retweeted three unverified videos originally posted...
Biased judges in sexual assault cases
Last month, outrage over the sexual assault allegations against Harvey Weinstein has led a lot of...
Dear Ijeawele, or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions
Dear Ijeawele, or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions, is Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s...
What it means to be Portuguese
Whenever I tell someone I’m Portuguese their reaction is, more often than not, one of the...