social media

Why I’m done with blogs and internet literature

Blogging has, for many people, become the primary outlet through which to convey their feelings about the world and express their pleasure or indeed displeasure

Blogging has, for many people, become the primary outlet through which to convey their feelings about the world and express their pleasure or indeed displeasure with a variety of topics – there, now I’ve got you enthralled because, knowing what a blog is, you can relate. But what relevance does that preface have to what I’d like to say. Very little. Then why did I just write it? It has just occurred to me that a writing style has emerged in the blog world, and it has infected the way all of us are now writing, but I would like to put a stop to it. 

Sharing irrelvance
The first two lines of this piece represent a back story so irrelevant that they would find themselves on the cutting room floor of even the most recent Wolverine movie – got you again with a pop culture reference, how clever am I to trick you into agreement with me by planting that, not to mention getting you on my side with this zany, colloquial manner I’ve got ‘going on’.
Why do blogs have to sell us something?
The point is, if you have something to say which absolutely needs to be made public then tell it to us, or better yet show it to us, but there’s no need to sell it to us. Unless you’re a copywriter you shouldn’t feel the need to have everyone agree with every statement you make. It’s enough, more than enough really, to put your ideas out there and see how they do on their own merit. Let’s see an end to SEO best practise finding its way into our personal prose and get back to the craft of writing. Because the more I read online, the more I realise that everyone sounds like the same person. It’s because this is the most blog hit getting, klout enhancing, follower attracting configuration, I suppose. 
So what the hell do I know about the craft of writing? Well, no more than you I’m sure, but I’ve made a choice to think about the way I use words before I impose them on people, and that’s pretty much the whole point, isn’t it? Yes, blogging is a great way to gain practise and experience if you want to become a good writer… of blogs.
Genteel sounding dim-wits
I mean to remedy this situation thusly, yes, thusly, because I’ve decided to minimise the amount of internet I read and maximise the amount of books, newspapers, plays and missing cat posters, to try and dilute all the information I unwittingly take in 24/7 with something a little more varied. And with any luck, this will be the last thing I find myself writing in the style of a self-righteous, marketing executive. I hope you’ll all take a moment to think about what we’ve created here, and how we can get rid of it.  
I’ll stop there because it’s an easy word count for you to digest, but next time I might not be so kind.