Remember the easy-breezy days of being a four-year-old? Those fun-loving days of freedom in which polygamy reigned supreme, and your ability to juggle women was second-to-none?
Remember the easy-breezy days of being a four-year-old? Those fun-loving days of freedom in which polygamy reigned supreme, and your ability to juggle women was second-to-none? This kid does.
I just don’t know how to feel about this. On the one hand, much like the junior con-artist of last week’s column, this kid is very much in danger of growing up to be a tanned, waxed, Malia-loving, “Do you even lift bro?” kind of guy, with a girl in every popworld.
Or this is just one of those things you get into when you’re five and it is tolerated by your parents because they know you’ll simply grow out of it (fingers crossed). A little like my silver velvet tracksuit that I had when I was five – the phases don’t usually last. But damn that was comfy.
Is it really that tough being five?
My favourite aspect about this video is the overwhelming sense of hardship and woe that this kid is going through. I feel this should go into major production. I hope to see him in a year or so in a feature length film, in his mahogany-lined drawing room, with the roaring fire below a mounted hog’s head and violins playing in the background.
He stares through the rain out of his window, in a state of existential crisis, pondering, wondering and finally asking, “What of the simple days of having three girlfriends? How I wish I were four again…”
Possibly a little bit of overkill. Although I think it is important to highlight the sense that this kid, really just can’t even right now, so back off world.
I have to admit, I don’t remember life at five being this stressful, by any means. However, I’m now starting to think that maybe my lack of boyfriends may have had something to do with the velvet tracksuit, although it is one hell of a playground conversation piece.
The comments
Yet again YouTube community – why such a kick off? Can we all just get off this kid’s back, he has enough going on right now, okay? As usual, in and amongst the anger that ALWAYS greets any video on YouTube there was the odd comment that both amused and concerned me, such as: “When I was his age, I ate my own shoes.”
Seek medical attention? One commenter repeatedly offered advice and suggestion, both to the critics: “Don’t hate the playa, hate the game,” and to the parent: “Parent need ta parent yo…”
Solid advice my friend.
I appreciate what people are saying, that the message that it’s okay to let this kind of behaviour develop in children isn’t right, but I think people are completely disregarding the fact that he is five years old, not 25, this is something that children do and subsequently usually grow out of, they don’t yet go through the same reasoning or cognition process that would be disastrous if these were the words coming from an adult.
Adults perceive things based on what they know about the world and their moral and emotional motivations, whereas a child perceives things innocently, literally and as a matter-of-fact. This is an example of people placing adult interpretation onto a child’s behaviour – something that simply doesn’t work.
Overall, I don’t want the serious message to be the crux of this weeks column. To me, it shouldn’t even have to be said. So, I hope that you can all disregard the furore and enjoy this video for what it is.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
Photo: Ivva / Flickr