social media

Twitter acknowledges demand for in-app video messaging

andrew mager, kettle mag, twitter, gemma hirst
Written by GemmHirst

6,000 tweets are sent a second and now the app that we use to find out what our friends and celebs are all up to has been updated. It’s a distant memory since the iconic hashtag appeared back in 2006. Now, Twitter has found new ways to encourage users to direct message each other in-app.

The Twitter app updated this week for owners of iOS and Android mobile platforms. The updated app included two new features, one being group messaging and video messaging. 

Twitter already has the messaging feature where you can private message somebody about a tweet or a photo you may have seen but now it allows you to add more than one of your followers to a message, which may be useful to you if you want to send the same message to more than one user. It means that you can discuss topical tweets in private with who and how ever you want even if they all do not follow each other.

Alas, this was the update that surprised us here at Kettle. The new video camera service that allows people to film 30 seconds of footage, meaning that you can post videos and your tweets together, whether that be as a tweet or into group and direct messages.

So forget the whole 140 characters thing, you can say it all in a 30 second video. Perhaps repeating the style of SnapChat, the video software also allows you to edit your video after you have filmed it. To film something you will simply need to hold down the record button and enjoy. And to edit, you simply drag and drop and delete any of the dodgy clips.

If you have the luxury of owning an iOS mobile, it appears that Twitter has given you the option of uploading your own videos from your personal gallery and camera roll. Though this feature is not available for users of the Android, it will be available soon. We shall just have to be patient.

In the future, this Twitter update will be accessible to all.

For more information check out the Twitter blog.