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Tom Daley: Was the video a good idea to make?

It’s been 4 days since Olympic Diver Tom Daley posted a video online announcing his new relationship, and the news that he is gay has been trending (on and off) on Twitter ever since.

It’s been 4 days since Olympic Diver Tom Daley posted a video online announcing his new relationship, and the news that he is gay has been trending (on and off) on Twitter ever since.

Tom uploaded the video to Twitter on Monday, asking his followers for their support.

Many of Tom’s fans commended him, saying how difficult it must have been to ‘come out’ publicly, and several celebrities have also tweeted their congratulations.

Stephen Fry showed his support, witty as ever.

As did Russell Brand…

…and Clare Balding.

However, not everyone was so pleased with the revelation:

Aside from these inevitable, brainless remarks, the support for Tom has been incredible. I do, however, feel the word ‘brave’ has been overused in describing Tom’s ‘coming out.’

Nearly every article, tweet, etc. I read regarding the video used the words ‘brave’ or ‘courageous’, and while I appreciate that what Tom did must have been difficult, if we continue to portray ‘coming out’ as a brave thing to do, being gay will continue to be viewed as something unmentionable. Telling people that you’re in a happy, loving relationship – no matter who it’s with – shouldn’t require bravery.

Some people on Twitter took this stance too, with many arguing that it shouldn’t be newsworthy – so what? Lots of people are gay.

I definitely agree that coming out shouldn’t be such a big deal, but just because lots of people are gay doesn’t mean that when someone famous says they’re gay it won’t make the news. Lots of people change their hairstyle every day, but when Kate Middleton does it, it’s on the front page of heat. No-one should be taking offence that the press have made a big deal out of the video – that’s just celebrity culture – everyday The Sun report on who’s dating who in the world of celebrity…sadly, it’s their job.

In fact, it was because of tabloid papers like The Sun that Tom made the video in the first place. After a publication printed false information about him recently, he felt it would be better to let everyone know himself rather than let the press find out (and inevitably twist the facts) in due course:

“In an ideal world I wouldn’t be doing this video because it shouldn’t matter, but recently I was mis-quoted in an interview and it made me feel really angry…honesty is something that I really do believe in.”

It’s a smart move really – rather than allowing the press to have their scandal as and when they find out, Tom has taken control and let his fans know in his own time and on his own terms.

What do you think? Was Tom’s video a good idea? Has everyone made too much of a big deal about it? Have your say in the comments section below.

Image: Nick J Webb