student life

The Toothbrush – When Is The Right Time To Leave It Behind?

It’s tricky to judge right? On one hand you don’t want to do it too soon, but then who wants to have to remember to bring all their essentials each time they visit?

It’s tricky to judge right? On one hand you don’t want to do it too soon, but then who wants to have to remember to bring all their essentials each time they visit? Where’s the spontaneity in that? He/She can’t just say “Come over tonight” because if you’re at uni/work it’d end up like this:

kettlemag, aysh banaysh

Spontaneity not found.

So when is the right time to leave your toothbrush behind? Upon my first visit to my (now) boyfriend’s place I declared that I was moving into his wardrobe in order to escape my messy flatmates (students eh?). Obviously this didn’t happen, but I did end up spending most of my week at this new-found fellow’s place with some trips home in between to wash my hair and get more clothes. Now, you’re bound to forget something when packing for a ‘sleepover’ – especially if you’re a girl. Clothes? Make-Up? Toothbrush? Hairbrush? Socks? Facewipes- can’t be waking up like a panda now can we? I bought myself an extra toothbrush and left it there (with some facewipes etc.) before I even had the ‘girlfriend’ title. I did spend most of my time there after all, packing and unpacking all my essentials every time I visited and came home was not something I wanted to spend my time doing.

Our survey says:

It doesn’t always happen that quickly though. If you’re only sleeping over at the weekends judging the right time can be tricky as it varies depending on the couple, so I rallied up some other people’s opinions to give you a hand…

“Never, I ain’t trusting no one with my toothbrush” – Female, 21

“If you’re not staying over more than once a week then there’s no point when it gets to like 3 nights then crack on!” – Male, 23

“Leave your toothbrush when it becomes a regular thing, like the 2nd or third time …. to be honest, I take my toothbrush with me, I don’t leave it” – Male, 24

“I think that once you’ve started staying at each others and get into the relationship routine you can leave your toothbrush there, once the honeymoon stage of the relationship is over.” – Female, 18

“You can start leaving your toothbrush behind when they ASK you to. Otherwise you’re just marking your territory, and we know what you’re doing. I’ve hidden bare toothbrushes in my time. Sneaky a**-holes.” – Male, 28

“I’d say if you’re staying over 4 or more times a week then leave one there!” – Female, 20

“Ask the person if you should when you feel like you want to leave it” – Male, 19

“I think the toothbrush thing varies between each couple I think, relationships all move at different paces” – Female, 18

So, while the time it takes to reach the ‘toothbrush stage’ varies with each couple, I hope this gives you a clue about when it’s the right time!

Is leaving a toothbrush marking your territory? Or simply a practical way to ensure your morning routine is not sabotaged? Have your say below:

Image by: nishantcm