student life

3 Ways to Enjoy a Thrilling Weekend on a Budget

mountain biking
Written by Nigel Simpkins

At the start of the year, many adults’ budgets have been significantly stretched. Christmas and New Year are traditionally expensive times, with a wide range of gifts being bought for friends and family members, along with attending New Year celebrations, which can cost in terms of travel and the potential need for overnight hotel stays. It is little surprise that many adults will want to spend the first few months of 2024 saving money and getting their finances in a healthier condition. 

However, after a hard week at work, you may still be seeking thrills and excitement so that you can genuinely enjoy your free time. This article seeks to help adults find some thrilling weekend pursuits that will not cost a small fortune with the following three ideas.

  1. Go mountain biking in nature

If you own a modern mountain bike and enjoy the thought of some fresh air and exercise, going for a biking trip in nature can be both thrilling and a perfect way to stay in shape. The UK is blessed with a diverse selection of high-quality mountain bike trails and routes that can take you through sweeping hillsides, around picturesque lakes and on trails that offer hair-raising descents. You will likely have access to some locations that you can reach by bike. However, if you are looking to explore trails that are further afield, it can be wise to invest in a bike rack for your car to allow you to reach them comfortably and quickly. Remember to take some nutritious snacks with you to keep your energy levels high during your ride, and always wear a helmet. 

  1. Excitement from your mobile device 

If you are seeking excitement without needing to leave the comfort of your home, you may consider the entertainment options that are available on your smartphone. Search on your app store to find the best action games if you are seeking pulse-racing excitement. However, if you are an adult who likes the idea of gaming for money on your smartphone, many online casino sites offer a diverse range of online pokies. These games can be ideal for adults who may not have extensive gaming experience as they rely purely on luck rather than needing to memorise strategies or learn about card probabilities. For a few hours, you can enjoy intense excitement as you hope that your next spin of the reels will result in a lucky payout. The on-demand nature of such sites makes it easy to experience this excitement at a weekend with little needed in the way of preparation.

  1. Try a dance workshop 

Finally, if you have an outgoing personality and want to show off your creative side, you may consider booking a place at a dance workshop. There are dance venues in most cities in the UK where you can enjoy the thrill of dancing in public whilst also boosting your cardiovascular fitness. It can also be an excellent weekend hobby for both you and your partner if you enjoy the thought of becoming proficient in a certain form of dancing. Search online for dance classes and workshops and find a style of dance that suits your tastes and your general fitness levels.