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Unplug from Netflix and Find Fresh Activities to Enhance Your Leisure Time

Written by Nigel Simpkins

Netflix has become a staple of the modern digital streaming era, providing you with hours and hours of binge-worthy entertainment at the touch of a button. However, there will doubtless come a time when you spend more time looking for something to watch than actually watching, and it feels more draining than relaxing. 

You might have the same feeling about other streaming services, too, so it might be time to step back and consider alternative activities for your leisure time. These can take all shapes and sizes and could be invigorating and educational. 

Take a trip into the world of books

You might not think that you have time to read, but when you add up the amount of time you spent watching police procedurals on Netflix, you’ll know that is not correct at all. Rediscovering the joy of losing yourself in a good book might provide you with the perfect alternative, and you may find the quality of storylines even better. This doesn’t have to be a full-blown novel; it could be non-fiction, a graphic novel, or an audiobook, as these all count and are all equally rewarding. 

Get out and about 

Leaving home in the evening might be the last thing you want to do, but getting closer to nature can have multiple benefits. The fresh air of taking a walk in the woods or a park or making the most of the evening sun at the beach can have a positive effect on both your physical and mental health. This might even lead to a new hobby, such as photography, as you start to see the wonders around you and want to capture them with your camera on your phone.

Play games online

If you are not the outdoorsy type or you live somewhere where nature is not exactly close at hand, you could try playing online games. One of the more popular genres you might not have played before is casino games, like those found at jackpot jill casino. There is a wide selection for you to choose from, so you’ll have no trouble finding something to provide the required level of excitement and entertainment. You might even find a game that is linked to one of the series or movies you watched on Netflix. 

Board games and puzzle nights

You might be somebody who likes the idea of a game but is determined to have a digital detox, so you might instead opt for good old-fashioned board games. After all, in an age where digital entertainment tends to take centre stage, board and card games have a nostalgic feel and might remind you of less complicated times. You could go to the next stage and actually start hosting board game nights for your friends, who might seem reluctant at first but are bound to get into it once they remember how much fun games like Monopoly and Game of Life still are.

Final thoughts

It’s easy to watch ‘just one more’ episode of that TV show, but you could be missing out on other activities. Whether you prefer indoor or outdoor pursuits, there is something invigorating and entertaining waiting for you as soon as you hit that off button.