The John Lewis advert: Christmas is nearly upon us…

Most people associate the well known Coca-Cola train advert with symbolising the build up to Christmas and rightly so as it has become a tradition of sorts that many wait to appear on the TV.

Most people associate the well known Coca-Cola train advert with symbolising the build up to Christmas and rightly so as it has become a tradition of sorts that many wait to appear on the TV. However, perhaps it is about time that another advert makes its way into the limelight and I’m sure that many would agree that John Lewis’ 2012 Christmas Ad could just be the one to do it this year.

Gabrielle Aplin’s voice first broke into the technological world when she posted a video of herself singing Paramore’s ‘My Heart’. YouTube visitors flocked to watch more; enchanted by Gabrielle’s voice and it was clear that she wasn’t about to stop with this cover. Four years on Miss Aplin has well over 60,000 online followers, a strong UK tour that is beginning to expand out into other countries, a couple of beautifully sung EPs and now she has a truly touching Christmas advert to add to what seems to be an ever-growing list of success, thanks to the department store; John Lewis.

No one will be able to glaze over the 1½ minute piece of pure brilliance that the shop and the singer have created. It delves so much deeper than just focusing on the seasonal holiday as it captures a loving and magical experience that the audience can all understand on many different levels. Whilst initially it may just appear to document the travels of one snowman as he battles against what may seem to be impossible in order to bring back a gift for his fellow friend. It is when you look further into the scene that you notice so much more to its beauty; it is not possible to look past the sheer determination that the film covers. It highlights how far some people are willing to go in order to make another person happy, especially during the season that brings everyone together. The snowman tackles every obstacle in his way and proves to those watching that nothing is too difficult when love is involved. Not only this though, but the short film also shows just how consuming love can be, something that most can relate to, as the character becomes unaware of the troubles that his surroundings hold because he is concentrating wholly on his goal at the end of his journey, which is ultimately to bring happiness to his lover on Christmas Day.

Not only does it hold so many bottomless meanings that people can adapt to their own experiences of the emotion, but it also emphasizes the miraculous change that the build up to the festive day brings to the English culture as it brings people together. Perhaps it was about time that a moral was brought back to the Biblical date and the store have done this to perfection as they brought about a more up-to-date image of Raymond Briggs’ Snowman, who also defeated the unfeasible as he managed to ‘Walk in the Air’ back in 1982. Teamed with Gabrielle’s touching rendition of a Frankie Goes to Hollywood song, the advert has become a modern day, meaningful clip but one that also holds the happiness that Christmas brings to so many through simple gestures.