sex & relationships

Shopping for sex toys online: A beginner’s guide

Written by Nigel Simpkins

If your sex life has started to feel a bit repetitive and stale, or simply isn’t doing it for you like it used to, then you’re not alone. Sometimes, there’s a psychological or biological cause as to why you might not be enjoying sex as much these days, but if you have simply found yourself stuck in a rut or your busy life has taken over and sex is no longer as big a priority in your relationship, sex toys are a great way to amp up the sexual pleasure for both of you and get that spark back.

In a recent survey by Harris Poll, 71% of women aged 18-34 agreed that sex toys can make sessions in the bedroom more exciting and intimate. And, the good news is that sex toys these days are widely available. There is smart tech, well-designed products, and something for everybody. Before you dive into exploring online sex shops and finding a range of toys to suit you, keep these tips in mind.

Start Slow

If you’re completely new to sex toys, then getting something too big or too intimidating might put you off the idea completely. Instead, start out slow and try basic toys out first before moving on to something more adventurous. Bullet vibrators are an ideal choice for clitoral stimulation during both foreplay and sex and their handy size means that you can use them just about anywhere you want. Use it on yourself or pass it to your partner. If you’ve found that penetration has gotten a bit boring, a vibrating cock ring can be an ideal toy to spice things up and heighten those sensations for both of you. These basic sex toys are great for starting out as they’re usually inexpensive, not too big, and easy to clean. Check out the range at Sex Toy Saver; you can choose from a wide range of couples’ sex toys and stock up on essentials like flavoured lube while you’re there.

Better Oral Sex

Most people wouldn’t say no to their partner going down on them but sadly, not everybody is great at providing oral sex. And, bad technique and jaw cramps might leave you thinking about the housework that you need to do tomorrow instead of what you’re actually doing. Thankfully, there are a range of sex toys that you can use to help you along if you want to give better pleasure to your partner orally and make the experience more enjoyable for you, too. Simple throat sprays that gently numb the back of your throat can help if you tend to gag a lot, or you can try it along with a penis stroker to deliver better sensations to your partner. But don’t leave yourself out – there are plenty of toys that you can use either alone or as part of foreplay for better oral sex. Try oral sex simulators for women, which feature a wheel of realistic-feeling ‘tongues’ on rotation to send your level of arousal through the roof.

Role Play

Ever since Fifty Shades of Grey, couples have been thinking a little kinkier in the bedroom, and it’s not uncommon for some couples to fantasize about incorporating a little more bondage action into their sex lives. But if it’s something that you’ve never done before, it’s easy to be completely stumped when it comes to where to start. Roleplay can be an easy yet sexy starting point and you can go as vanilla or as kinky as you like. You can incorporate costumes, handcuffs, or if you want to amp up the kink a little bit, try a paddle and a blindfold.

Consider Your Personal Preferences

Bear in mind that what feels good for one person might not be so great for another. It’s always a good idea to check the supplier materials when buying a sex toy online to make sure that it is safe for you, especially if you have any skin allergies. All reputable toys will have this information easily accessible, so if you come across the site that isn’t upfront about what its toys are made from, it’s probably best avoided. Skin-safe materials such as ABS plastic or silicone should be fine for bodily insertion.

Don’t Forget Cleaning Supplies

Last but not least, remember that sex toys should be cleaned before and after you use them, to make sure that they are as hygienic as possible and free from any dirt or dust. Baby wipes should be avoided; the best way to keep your sex toys clean is by using specially designed sex toy cleaning wipes or cleaning fluid which should be used with warm water on any waterproof toys. Read the instructions of each particular toy to determine the best way to clean it, and make sure that you remove any batteries and secure the battery compartments before cleaning.

If your sex life is getting a bit boring, sex toys are a fantastic way to spice things up and bring the excitement back to the bedroom. Keep these tips in mind as you search for the perfect toys for you online.