sex & relationships

Seasonal relationships: They aren’t the answer

It’s a cold winter’s evening, the chill is starting to set in, cosy slippers and a warm blanket, hot chocolate in tow but there’s one thing missing—a boyfriend of course!

It’s a cold winter’s evening, the chill is starting to set in, cosy slippers and a warm blanket, hot chocolate in tow but there’s one thing missing—a boyfriend of course! The newest accessory to every winter, haven’t you heard, all the magazines are talking about the latest trend of a boyfriend for winter!

Of course you haven’t, because just like puppies, boyfriends aren’t just for Christmas. I’m sure I’m not the only girl to want Ryan Gosling on my Christmas list, but there are plenty of ways to keep warm in the winter.

The idea of watching Christmas movies alone, or wrapping up all on your own can feel a little isolated, and I can see the point, in the summer its hot and unbearable and a hug is sometimes too much as its just to hot for any personal contact with anyone within 2 metres. And yes, Brits cannot deal with cold weather, but rest assured, there is a solution. 

Wrap up warm, take yourself shopping, buy a coat, scarf and hat and gloves, these are instant warmers, think of it as a hug that never ends! Also, scientific fact is that 45 per cent of our body heat is lost through our heads, a hat can stop that, a boy however can’t, it’s possible but how stupid would you look if you went for a hug and a boy hugged just your head, its cringe worthy to think of.

We’ve got to hand it to the guys too, imagine a relationship that was based on seasons, you’re only together in the cold weather months, guys have to got to feel awful at the prospect of being a winter accessory!

A winter boyfriend is something that is predominantly seen throughout social media, the odd harmless tweet about a boyfriend to cuddle up with when it’s cold or a Facebook status thinking of not spending another night alone. Its all harmless to us girls, women can easily do the curled up cosy night in, its in our nature. Guys probably wouldn’t admit to that and credit where it’s due, it’s unknown for a guy to want a girlfriend in the summer or the winter.

They never will be found within the seasonal isles of the supermarkets, they can’t be attached at the hips and they can’t be part time, you cant dump them when it gets hot, its unfair and a unrealistic thought. But there’s nothing to say you can’t find someone in the winter, boys do not hibernate in the winter either, instead of waiting for these boys, wrap up and go mingle! There’s plenty of winter activates that don’t mean your freezing your bum off whilst queuing for a club, a hot chocolate or Christmassy latte is a lot more romantic too.

Instead of looking the fool and proclaiming your want for a part time seasonal boyfriend, invest in clothes to make you feel warmer, and then go mingle and stop spending so much time searching seasonal relationships to find someone who could last all year long!

Image: Brett Levin Photography