
My Life In Music, with Kettle writer Lewis Bunney

For most people, music is one of the most important things in life. It can inspire you, fill you with joy or even make you cry. But different music affects us all in different ways. Each week, I interview one of our writers or editors about the impact music has had on their life. This week, I talk to Kettle writer Lewis Bunney about his life in music. 

Describe your taste in music in three words.

Loud, eclectic and challenging.

What’s your favourite musical genre?

Grime or hardcore punk. Anything that pushes boundaries.

Your favourite band?

I go through cycles a lot of the time, but my standout has got to be Metallica.

Your favourite song of all time?

‘Rock the Casbah’ by The Clash or ‘Rock Box’ by Run DMC (Sorry I can’t decide!)

What was the first album you ever bought?

Demon Days by Gorillaz. Still an album I can play today, in fact it’s one of my favourite albums.

First gig you went to?

I think my first one was a gig by CB6. Real good, heavy band. I think this was my first attempt at a ‘mosh pit’.

What was the last song you listened to?

‘Stuntman’ by Kasabian.

Which musicians do you admire? 

Henry Rollins, he’s got a certain view on life which I sort of envy because it’s so free, but at the end of the day I’m not Henry Rollins!

In your opinion, what’s the most annoying song of all time?

I was going to say ‘Loyal’ by Chris Brown, but it’s got to be ‘Antenna’ by Fuse ODG. Anyone who is/was a university student will know this song seems to be a far too regular song choice for DJ’s.

Where do you find new music?

Anywhere to be honest, nothing’s wrong with a bit of YouTube digging though.

Do you play any instruments?

Bass guitar, that’s somewhat acceptable, and guitar not so much. I’ve always wanted to learn piano though.

Rock or pop?

100% rock.

Classical or heavy metal?

Heavy metal, not to say I’m not a fan of classical.

What song will always cheer you up?

‘Train in Vain’ by The Clash, it cheers everyone up I think.

What’s your musical guilty pleasure?

‘Break My Stride’ by Matthew Wilder, good morning shower music.

What does music mean to you?

It means everything, music is good for your soul. It’s your own personal identity. Without it life can be very boring.

What do you love most about music?

Its ability to bring people together. I think there is nothing better than when there’s a group of people all together, enjoying the same music.

If you could sit down for a chat with any musician (dead or alive) – who would it be?

Most likely Henry Rollins, although he hasn’t made much music in recent years, his understanding and overall knowledge is astounding. There are so many questions I would love to ask.

Tell us your best musical memory.

Oh I’ve got a few! One was probably rushing the stage at a Pigeon Detectives gig and making it into the green room where they were chilling, smoking cigarettes. Safe to say a burly looking bouncer made sure my stay was very short. 

What’s your best musical memory? Tell us about your life in music in the comments below!