Adding your boss on Facebook: Yes? No? Maybe? Truth is, whether you add your boss on Facebook or not depends on a few things. What’s your job? What’s your boss like?
Adding your boss on Facebook: Yes? No? Maybe? Truth is, whether you add your boss on Facebook or not depends on a few things. What’s your job? What’s your boss like? What’s your relationship with them like? What kind of content do you post on Facebook?
Unless you’re trying to fuck your way to the top (which I’d suggest doing offline), I do not see why you’d want to add your boss on Facebook. After all, you see enough of them at work, right? However if, for some reason, you are considering sending or accepting that friend request, have a think about these things first.
Your job
If you work in a corporate company, you’re probably not going to want to add your boss on Facebook. Corporate companies can be very up tight about how you carry yourself. Additionally, if you’re sitting at a computer all day on Facebook, your boss will be able to see that you’re online and active.
On the other hand, if you’re just working in retail, adding your boss on Facebook probably won’t matter, as long as you have a good relationship and aren’t always pulling sickies or moaning about work.
Your boss
Is your boss pretty laid-back and easy-going? Would you be comfortable showing them what’s on your Facebook? If the answer to both these questions is “no” then adding your boss on Facebook could be the worse possible thing you could do. If the answer’s “yes” however, you could consider it.
Your content
If you’re posting a load of drunken photos and inappropriate statuses on Facebook or are constantly fraped, you probably shouldn’t add your boss unless you have a very good relationship. Not only does your own content have to be appropriate, but so does the content others tag you in.
Imagine staying off Facebook the whole day while you pull a sicky, only to have your mate tag you in a drunken photo from the night before. Not good. Although I doubt you’d be considering having your boss on Facebook if you’re pulling sickies.
Adding your boss on Facebook also gives them the option to harass you out of work hours. Whether that’s in the form of asking you about your work or getting a little too comfortable on your friends list, if you know what I mean…
If, after reading these, you still want to add your boss on Facebook, then go ahead. Just make sure you fully understand the consequences of your actions because if you change your mind and want to delete them, things could get very awkward.
Do you have your boss on your Facebook friends list? Why, or why not? Let us know in the comments below.
Photo: Sean MacEntee