Geordie Shore returns: are you on it like a car bonnet?

Two weeks ago the lairy Geordie lasses and lads returned to our screens for another round of drinking, bucking and fighting.

Two weeks ago the lairy Geordie lasses and lads returned to our screens for another round of drinking, bucking and fighting. but with the shocks and scandals of Cancun still fresh in the viewers minds, will Geordie Shore Season 4 live up to the previous series?

Alpha Male

The first episode saw the introduction of two new house mates; Danny and Scott. Danny has so far struggled to make a good impression and has failed to secure a single friendship in the house. As tradition, the first night back in the house meant one thing- party time! Unfortunately for Danny this also meant harassing Charlotte in the Jacuzzi, drinking more than his skinny frame could take and starting a fight with alpha male Gaz- not a wise move. Scott on the other hand worked his charm and flashed his pecs, earning himself a place in the house along side pulling machine Gaz. This was much to the envy of comb-over James who has famously struggled with the ladies in previous series.

Charlotte and Gary…

Danny’s drunken moves failed to impress Charlotte (who has returned to this serious with a boyfriend) which left Gary with no option but to intervene and put young Danny in his place. Quite predictably, this left Charlotte teary and confused, as after 3 seasons of chasing Gary, why was he finally showing he cared by playing the protective boyfriend role?

As it was revealed before the series aired that Charlotte is no longer with her boyfriend, will this season finally give the viewers what they’ve wanted from the start? While Gary has still been out on the pull every night, he has struggled to hide his obvious feelings for Charlotte so perhaps this is the season we will finally see them together. Hurray!

Jinxed James

James has come back this season with a slicker comb-over and a fully functioning leg, after tearing his ligaments in Cancun left him bed bound and under the supervision of Nurse Holly. James insisted he only ‘tashed-on’ with Holly in Cancun because he was incapable of going out, Holly was offering it to him on a plate and he was desperate, ouch! But so far this season, jinxed James has still failed to pull, so will he end up crawling back to Holly for a night cap?

Vodka anyone?

Holly has however already dug her claws into new house mate Scott with a classy round of ‘extras’ in the toilet which she conveniently couldn’t remember the next day after the vodka blurred her memory and dignity.

Predictable and boring?

The love sick teenagers (with equally sickening rhyming names) Vicky and Ricky, have returned to this season engaged and ‘more in love than ever’ after a turbulent start to their 5 minute relationship. The pair have so far predictably been seen canoodling, arguing and making-up. Very much the same cycle as series 3, but after the other girls decided to throw them a classy Geordie style engagement party, the lovers were made to leave the house after sparking a destructive fight with Sophie. Again, this is a bit boring and predictable now as the cycle of binge drink, fight and leave repeats itself.

Love Rat

So far Sophie has tried to convince us (and herself) that cocky cockney love rat boyfriend Joel has changed and they are now happier than ever, but will the most hated person to ever appear on the show make an appearance this season?

This season, although repetitive, has the ability to be very interesting and could see some major changes in the dynamics of the house. Will Gary finally retire his parsnip and declare his love for Charlotte? Will James ever buck anyone other than horny Holly? Will Vicky and Ricky leave Geordie Shore to save their (really strong) relationship? But most importantly, will Danny learn to handle his drink and stop embarrassing himself?