Celebrity Big Brother: Patsy’s exit is overshadowed by more Perez antics

Patsy has a laugh now she is out, Big Brother, Holly Wade, Kettle Mag
Written by Holly Wade

After the madness of last week and Friday’s eviction of glamour model Alicia Douvall, it seemed as if the Celebrity Big Brother house could not get any worse. But now, all hell has broken loose.

Blogger Perez Hilton is still the main antagonist of the show but has yet to receive any formal warnings for his explicit sexual behaviour. He often parades around the house in his underwear, singing ‘welcome to the Perez show,’ hoping to provoke his housemates into retaliating. Amazingly, the other housemates have so far been good at not rising to his gibes.

The weekend shopping task proved controversial within the house, as Big Brother pretended that the house had been hacked, replaying audio conversations with segments missing. The housemate who made the comment was forced to state so and explain their reason for it. Needless to say, this divided many.

Perez finally got to see what the British public really think of him as he, model Cami-Li and TV presenter Nadia Sawalha, had to make decisions on categories voted for by the public. Perez was astounded to discover that he had been voted ‘most two-faced.’

A later segment of the task included public opinions from Twitter, which were mainly personal comments about the housemates. One tweet from publication Unreality TV announced Perez’s comments that he is using Nadia for his own game.



Perez was unimpressed by this and protested his innocence, before retreating to the diary room, as he does after any argument to swear at Big Brother.

The following day, the gossip queen was calmer, but after threatening to walk he was given a secret task. Perez staged a walk out which allowed him to spy on his fellow housemates. Appearing to ‘walk out,’ breaking the lock on the fire exit as he went, meant that Perez could not be nominated for Tuesday’s eviction.

This has led to much controversy outside of the house, as gossips claimed that Perez’s contract includes a clause that will see him through to the final, much to the dismay of CBB fans. Once inside his secret room, Perez witnessed all the nominations, which saw Patsy being put up by every housemate, and Nadia and Katie Hopkins also nominated. As Cami-Li, Kavana and Katie Price only had one nomination each, Perez was able to choose the final nominee, which saw Cami-Li join the other three females in the final line-up.

With Perez supposedly ‘out of the house,’ the atmosphere was much better in the house. Nadia in particular seemed to have let her hair down in Perez’s absence, not having to babysit him as usual.

Patsy left the house in Tuesday’s eviction, much to her delight. The smile on her face was evident as she exited, as her time in the house seems to have caused nothing but stress and anxiety.



In a live twist, Perez was able to return to the house after the eviction, much to the dismay of Katie Hopkins and Cami-Li. The house then witnessed a video montage of all the events since Perez had apparently left the house, leaving things in a very bad state. Host Emma Willis also revealed that the public had been voting to either send Perez straight to the final, or put him up for eternal nomination. Unsurprisingly, the public chose the latter, possibly Channel 5’s way of making it clear that the reported clause in his contract isn’t real.



Kavana finally blew his lid this week after having an argument with Perez, who claimed to have overheard bitchy comments and gossip whilst in the secret room. He then went on to chase Hopkins around the house, and even licked her face, but again received no warning or punishment.

Outside in the snug, Perez was seen talking to Nadia, claiming that Calum Best, son of the legendary footballer, had been saying bad things about her cooking. Nadia went straight to Calum for an argument and the playboy struggled to defend himself. Nadia refused to believe him, despite audiences knowing that he was telling the truth.

Once again, Nadia is back in a bad way after Perez’s reappearance, leading some people to question the hold he has over her. The house went to bed that night with many of the housemates arguing, American judge Michelle Visage in tears and TV personalities Keith Chegwin and Katie Price hiding together in the diary room to avoid the drama.

There will be another eviction this Friday, and we are yet to know who will join Perez in being nominated. Whether or not the American will finally be removed by the British public is yet to be seen.

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