
Beyoncé and the obsession with her new hair

Written by Harriet Morgan

We have all been there, sitting in front of the mirror at the hairdressers wincing at the scissors chopping all your locks off. Then feeling, incredibly uneasy by your decision.

We have all been there, sitting in front of the mirror at the hairdressers wincing at the scissors chopping all your locks off. Then feeling, incredibly uneasy by your decision. And I am talking just a trim…

So, hats off to Beyoncé for her drastic move to cut it all off to a pixie cut.

Why does the media care quite so much?

Bravo, a celebrity changing their appearance quite significantly. Have we seen this before?  Yes! Therefore I ask, why does the media care quite so much?

Beyoncé Knowles is knowingly one of the most idolised women to have walked this earth, that’s a fact. It is just a given as to why millions of words have been writing about it, and caring quite so knowlesing (wahey!) all the up to the minute details on her. If one forgets, one has failed in their duty to inform perhaps.

A nosy nation

We’re a nosy nation. But, have the media continuously hated, rated and judged it because they care? Or really, have they just focused on this because they can? Now, dear reader – what I mean by the ominous ‘because they can’ is that everything else published about Beyoncé 99 per cent of the time by the control of her, and the Nando worthy entourage she has.

As I said, she is one of the most idiolised women. Beyonce is also incredibly influential. It took us a fair while to actually know about Blue Ivy remember, and when we did know, it was from her press release. This time round however, what she cannot shape, improve and release what she wants released is the opinions of many on the frenzy that she did actually, ironically control, apart from the picture.

Tedious for many

Yet, what puzzles me most about these celebrity pieces is why we even feel the need to make a comment in the first place beyond the fashion quota. Simply put, sales soar and without a little salt thrown into the sweet mix, that’s why we curate articles in this way, it is economically satisfying too.

Although, I have a little feeling that it is tedious not only for those who do not care, and probably Beyoncé herself. There are only so many break ups, make ups, take ups and shake ups I can take, I am not sure about you? Do you really think that Beyoncé is going to care and read the 291,038,499,202 pieces about it?

Do not take this all the wrong way though. I am not slamming that any comment or article about it was wholly wrong. Yes, it’s a shock, there will be a sincere surge in pixie cuts now but beyond this there is nothing much else to say about it.

Ultimately, time and resource has been wasted in the words used to describe her move, when we have the Syrian and Egyptian uprising in current affairs to focus on for example. Or, if you are like me and do like something a little lighter, then why not use our abilities that we evidently have on the stories such as how celebrity culture is slowly breaking the likes of Rihanna and Bieber…


I don’t know, but at the end of the day, a hair cut is a hair cut, that can be talked about only so much. Then it turns into something more, the need to comment and make all feel at competition with one another.

And we wonder why we all feel so insecure.

What do you think? Is the coverage of Beyoncé’s hair justified? Or is it too much? Have your say in the comments section below, on Facebook or on Twitter.