
An interview with American rockers Audio Impulse

Philadelphia based rockers Audio Impulse are in the middle of putting together their second studio release and preparing for a summer of touring and festivals, including the Extreme Sports and Music Tour. We caught up with them to see what they are all about and what we can expect from the band.

The band sum up themselves as having ‘meticulous attention to detail.’ A quaility sure to be of benefit when you know what you want from your music.

Audio Impulse is a hard working, hard rocking 4-piece alt-rock band with a pop-punk twist. We like to write and play the kind of music that we ourselves enjoy and would like to hear, reminiscent of the music we grew up listening to during the early 90’s and 2000’s. We’d obviously like to be taken seriously, but at the same time don’t want to be too serious. We always like to put on a good show and allow the audience to have as good a time listening as we do performing. Cause if you aren’t having fun…what’s the point?

Fun is exactly what the band have been having for the last three years. Three years ago Nate (vocals/guitar), Barry (vocals/guitar) and Pat (Bass) all who knew each other at college, picked up instruments and decided to get together and jam. As all good stories go, this was only the beginning. Quickly they put together some songs and then located a drummer, Freeman, via Craigslist. As the band say, “all the best things come because of the internet.”

Music has always been a big part of Audio Impulse’s life and the band have some pretty varied musical tastes.

Aside from punk rock, alt rock, and grunge we grew up listening to, we also pull heavily from the classic rock and blues, but there isn’t really any genre of music we wouldn’t draw from if it strikes inspiration. The songs on our debut CD and 1st EP are pretty all over the place, genre wise. We never really go into the writing process thinking an arrangement needs to sound a certain way, or be identifiable as a “punk” song or a “pop” song, we just want the riff or progression we’re working on to sound like the best “song” that it can.

In terms of favourites, Barry’s favourite band is The Smashing Pumpkins, Nate’s is 311, Pat is a Thrice guy, and Freeman is obsessed with Rise Against, and they all agree Dave Grohl and The Foo Fighters can do almost no wrong. This isn’t to say they all have a few guilty pleasures though.

Pat would drop us to join Tegan and Sara in a hot minute. Barry listens to rap music, which wouldn’t be bad if he also didn’t perform to it. Nate’s getting married, so he’s probably subject to some radio friendly pop-stuff from his fiancé I’m sure he secretly enjoys. He also likes that overplayed “Why you gotta be so rude” song. And Freeman’s first concert experience was Weird Al Yankovic.

The band have got some big dreams for the future and, like all good rock bands out there, the plans lie in major festivals, non-stop touring, multi-platinum records and jewel encrusted kitchen utensils (well, why not!)

Ultimately though, it is all about the music. 

More than anything we just want to write and perform music that people can enjoy and identify with. None of us can imagine what our lives would be without music and have been touched and affected in such a positive way by it. We’d like to use it as an avenue to bring people together and realize that maybe they aren’t so alone and that even if you think you’re underwater and struggling, plenty of other people are going through the same thing.

For now, 2016 holds the release of a new EP and music video with plans to release two further singles in the summer and another EP later in the year. 

You can find out more about Audio Impulse at the following places:

Official Site, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube