food & drink

What does an ice-cream flavour say about you?


HAPPY NATIONAL ICE-CREAM MONTH! Okay, so technically this is only celebrated in the USA, but as July is proving to be the hottest month in British history, I think we here at Kettle UK deserve to stuff ourselves with ice-cream too.

Apparently, you can learn a lot about a person from their favourite ice-cream flavour. Maybe.


Leon Wingham, Managing Editor – Rum & Raisin

According to Buzzfeed, being a rum & raisin fan means there’s a 90 per cent chance that you’ll be a serial killer. Erm.

On the other hand, it also means you take yourself seriously (but not too seriously) and have a good tolerance for unusual flavours.

Alex Veeneman, Deputy Editor – Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

A complete child at heart, but in the best way possible. Small things can really excite you, but when things don’t go your way, it can also put you into a stamp-feet-on-ground kind of strop.

But you are very generous and kind to the core.


Karishma Jobanputra, Books Editor – Peanut Butter

You’re a little rowdy and sometimes a touch over excited, but you are the life and soul of the party.

Oh, and that signature dance move is impressing all the lads/ladies.

Sian Elvin, Social Media Editor – Neapolitan

No surprises here, because this ice-cream means you’re a little indecisive. But it also means that you like a challenge, and that people are likely to baby you and give you what you want.

‘Can I taste all the different flavours first?’ Of course you can, honey.

Alex Goode, Food & Drink Editor – Rum & Raisin

So, aside from the killing thing, it turns out that we rum & raisin lovers are defined by being hard working and dedicated to our jobs (and ice-cream flavour – slate it and you’ll have me to face).

You might be too serious sometimes and unwilling to participate in social events, but you’ll be financially stable for, like, ever.

Jessica Crisp, Travel Editor – Mint Choc Chip

Minty fresh guys, you’re ambitious, confident but a little sceptical about the rest of the world.

Your stubborness doesn’t sit well with everyone, but it means you’ll get places in life as you’re dependable and will form strong bonds for life.


Emily Murray, Film Editor – Strawberry

As a strawberry lover you’ve divided the globe into those that adore this ice-cream flavour, and those that think it tastes like cough syrup.

You’re holding your head up high while also being thoughtful and taking time in your choices.

Angus Stewart Duncan, Political Editor – Mint Choc Chip

The mint choc chip camp is a strong fort, you guys aren’t fully satisfied until you’ve achieved the best you possibly can.

You’re a realist who plans for the future, but sometimes it’s better to keep your suspicions to yourself until they’re proven right.

Andrew Musgrove, Media Editor – Vanilla

The plain Jane’s of the ice-cream world? Hell no! You might be playing it safe but you’re sophisticated and everyone is slightly intimidated by you (even though they won’t admit it).

You’re probably sitting on a sun lounger on your private yacht in the Med, laughing at everyone back in the UK licking Mr Whippy’s off their hands.

Holly Evans, Football Editor – Mascarpone

Are you exotic, or what? Mascarpone can say one of two things – you dare to be different, or you’re punching a touch above your weight. Individual circumstances apply.

Either way, you’re not afraid to try something new and you’re proud of your unusual tastes.


Charlotte Bowles – Chocolate

You plain chocolate lovers are the sexiest of the bunch, not complicated but just as exciting as any rocky road or double choc chunk advocate. You’re all round smart and good looking, and just destined to do well in life. People love you, even if they hate to admit it because you’re just so damn fine.

Jem Collins – Mango Sorbet

Sorry to say sorbet lovers but you’re kind of kidding yourselves, it’s a great light treat for hot days but not so good for sitting in bed after a break up. You’ve all got spanking bodies though and are 100 per cent pimple free.

Kirstie Keate & Ian Close – Pistachio

The height of sophistication, and there’s not much more to say. You and vanilla are going to make some beautiful, talented, politically savvy children that can double up as models and pilots and just breeze through life.

Laura Elliott – Mint Choc Chip

Wow, you mint choc chip monkeys are persistent. Maybe it’s something to do with your need for security, but don’t forget that planning and organisation will mean you’re well provided for for the rest of your life.

Harriet Clifford – Peanut Butter Cup

You’re unafraid to go after things that you want, a little hard to read but that keeps things exciting. Oh, and your hugs are out of this world!

Ellie Kumar – Caramel

Scrupulous, with great moral standing and probably flawless skin, you caramel lovers are confident and a little dominating.

Did you learn something about yourself today? I thought so. Keep eating!

What do you think? Have your say in the comments section below.