Three or four years at university go by in the blink of an eye and suddenly, the days of student parties, revising and assignments are over. Now you need to prepare for your life after university and understandably, it can feel a bit daunting.
If you’re unsure where to go from here, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Nearly half of students admit that they have worries about becoming a graduate and finding employment. Here are some tips to help you feel more settled so you can enjoy this exciting, new transition in your life.
Know Your Goals
Leaving an environment where your time and routine are often planned out for you can be strange. The best remedy for this is to set out clear goals for yourself. Reflect on your interests and future career aspirations to create a rough timeline for yourself and help you build the necessary skills to achieve your plans.
Finding a graduate job is likely going to be at the top of your to-do list but this can be easier said than done. Take some time to research the fields you are interested in and the experiences you need to make yourself more employable.
Organise Your Finances
Whether you’re going straight to work or taking some time out to figure out your next steps, organising your financial situation is crucial. Opening a graduate banking account is your first step, as many banks offer incentives and helpful policies that make the transition easier.
Getting a credit card is another smart money move. Not only can they help you with your usual purchases, but a credit card is useful for building your credit history as soon as possible.
Minimise Comparisons
Your friends and fellow graduates are on their own paths and might be making great strides in their chosen careers. It can be easy to compare yourself to the success of others but sometimes these comparisons are demoralising and leave you feeling frustrated.
Remember that what you see on LinkedIn and Instagram is often just a highlight reel. Find strength in your own accomplishments.
Know Your Worth
Having confidence in the workplace is critical to your overall success, but this can be hard to have when you’re entering the job market for the first time. It’s important to know that your time and skills are valuable, no matter what level you are.
Finding ways to boost your self-confidence will ensure that you don’t get undersold in job interviews and are valued by employers.
Build Skills
Work experience is definitely important but it’s not the only way to increase your employability. Taking the time to fine-tune the skills you learned at university increases your likelihood of standing out to employers and helps build resilience.
You can do this by picking up a hobby, taking an online short course or doing some volunteering – it is all up to you.