
The Darkness

Writing, Creative, Stephanie Hallson, The Darkness, Kettle Mag
Written by Steph Hallson

The wind howled and the rain pummeled my face, my hair violently being pulled across my face. My vision blurred in the storm and a flash of lighting illuminated the sky-unveiling the intense inky black of the sea below me and the violet sky above. I was alone. The sole person around for miles and stood atop the rocky cliff, being eroded by rain every second I stood in my trance, unable to feel the icy cold of the wind slamming into my body.

I knew I should move, will my legs to carry me away from the precipice – yet I was transfixed. Despite the storm, the sea looked so inviting. A neverending pool of darkness and warmth – to feel the water envelop me and swallow me whole – to drift deeper and deeper, away from everyone and everything, letting the darkness comfort and console me as no-one yet could. 

Death is but a sweet relief. We had danced together before. The smoke unfurling in my lungs each day. Inhaling and exhaling the acrid substance until my throat hurt and the sadness had passed. A temporary fix to ease the pain. A habit repeated each day religiously until I was numb and mustered the courage to plaster a smile on my face – one that I felt could crack and peel away at any moment. Revealing my true nature and feelings to those around me.

I took a deep, long breath. Letting the ice invade my lungs, crystallising every inch of me. Held it there. One…Two…Three… Exhale. Without looking below me I closed my eyes…                                                                                                                                             

And jumped.