
Now is the time to drift off and search for that great escape

There is always that time of year around about now when the to-do list seems never-ending, there just isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done and the word ‘stress’ is

There is always that time of year around about now when the to-do list seems never-ending, there just isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done and the word ‘stress’ is appearing in all your Facebook statuses, tweets and conversations. Everyone needs a mental or physical escape, a getaway from reality, at some point, no matter how big or small, and this is the perfect time to do it. 

Escapism can be fulfilled through literature, music, films and, the obvious choice, holidays and travel. The perfect mental and physical escape anyone could make would be to Paris, a place where several well-known artists and writers found their inspiration from. Strolls along the Seine, visits to beautiful parks, a bottle of wine to yourself at the perfect people-watching located café, whichever of these strikes your fancy; you are in escapist’s fantasyland. Hand in hand with travelling comes photography and plenty of scenic photo opportunities can be found in the city of love. The best escapes you can make are those in which you’re fortunate enough to picture a precise moment and at one glance at that photograph, you find yourself back there again. A change of scenery is the key ingredient to a great escape. Parks and beaches are the ideal locations. Weather permitting, bring a good book, a camera or some music and just relax, let your mind escape and evade.

Despite Paris being a favourite great escape destination, you don’t need to travel a million miles away to break loose from the stress that life can cause. Whether it’s the lyrics of songs that help you throw it away and forget yesterday or a book so detailed and descriptive you feel part of the story yourself. Film is another popular escapist’s choice, for as soon as the lights in the cinema dim, your mind can take you wherever you choose and no doubt the action, romantic, horror or comic aspect of the film being seen will help you carry your thoughts with you.

Whoever you are and wherever you may be in life, if you remember one thing from reading this let it be that there’s nothing wrong with wanting to get away from it all once in a while. One thing is for sure, you can never regret a great escape.