student life

Educated apathy: have us lazy students earned our bad name?

Everyone says it but no one wants to agree with it; teenagers and students are lazy. They stay in bed, they party, they don’t go to lectures and they aren’t bothered to get jobs.

Everyone says it but no one wants to agree with it; teenagers and students are lazy. They stay in bed, they party, they don’t go to lectures and they aren’t bothered to get jobs. As a member of the aforementioned group I probably shouldn’t be saying this, lest I’m attacked coming out of Copper’s but for the most part, people aren’t far wrong.

That’s not to say there aren’t exceptions to the rule but there’s a rule for a reason. I sat in an exam hall today surrounded by friends who were shaking with fear because they hadn’t studied and literally didn’t have a clue. One actually approached me and simply said: ‘tell me something!’ When you’ve been working on the topic for three months, that’s not a particularly fantastic question but she literally wanted information. Anything that would potentially come up in an exam where there were only five questions. 

They didn’t care for those three months, the coffee shop was more exciting than the lecture hall and the library held about as much appeal as getting in for a 9 o’clock tutorial. So why do they bother? ‘Lots of people want to sit where you’re sitting, you’re the lucky few who’ve been given the shot’ so why are we not more motivated?

Maybe it’s my overactive conscience but that idea spurs me on no end. I might not have this college place, I might not be able to afford to be here, I could be in any other situation anywhere in the world that is much worse than this one but I’m not. I’m not saying I’m the golden girl, sitting up half the night studying, handing in assignments weeks in advance and never missing a lecture or watching tv when I should be in the library but why would I be in college at all if I was going to do that every week instead of at least trying?

There can be a culture of apathy attached to our generation and there is an absolute tendency to write us off, but when I see the likes of my friends, I can’t really put up much of a defence! In these weeks of exams and stress and crates of Red Bull, care to prove me wrong? I’d like you to, I’m just all out of blind faith in our generation right now, sorry!