What is your favourite film?
Directed by Christopher Nolan 2010, staring Leonardo DiCaprio
When, and where, was the first time you saw this film? Was it a particularly memorable day/company/experience?
It was at a Cineworld, in The Corner House, Nottingham. I went with a friend, the pair of us are quite avid cinema goers and film lovers. So when we saw the trailer for Inception, we knew that it was one that we didn’t want to miss!
Favourite character and why?
It would have to be Eames, played by Tom Hardy. As much as I have a huge appreciation for DiCaprio and his acting skills, I favoured Hardy’s character because of role he plays in the team’s objectives. He facilitates the ‘forgeries’ that are needed, whether that be documents, credentials and even people, being able to manipulate his own self image within a dream to become anyone of necessity. I think I’m drawn to his persona though, interlaced with his British conman complexities he makes for an interesting character! I think my favourite scene of his is upstaging Gordon-Levitt, as can be seen below! “You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger darling.” Priceless!
Favourite scene?
That’s a tricky one, but I’d have to go with a scene towards the very end of the film when the whole dream sequence is coming to an end and they get the final ‘kick’, the sheer complexity and the magnitude of the idea that you can emulate the physical world in a non conscious state is truly only something Christoper Nolan could pull off, and the cinematography of it is wonderfully beautiful too. Creatively, he gives image and consistence to the dream(s) collapsing, that helps draw the conclusion to a nicely tied off piece.
Favourite quote?
Definitely has to be; “You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger darling.” – Eames (Tom Hardy)
Who would you like to be in the film?
I wouldn’t actually change any of the casting in the slightest, in Nolan’s usual pioneering brilliance; he brought together a collection of actors that fitted the bill just perfectly. DiCaprio as Cobb, the troubled orchestrator of it all, Ellen Page as Ariadne the besotted wonderer, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Arthur, the brains of the operation employing meticulous planning and preparation and of course, Tom Hardy, the witty and charismatic British champion.
Why is it your favourite?
I read English Literature my first time round at university, and I had a module called ‘Reading theory’. It was an incredibly philosophical module and I adored it, I grew a particular passion for Freud’s dream theories and his work, ‘The Interpretation of Dreams’. The idea of what we can determine from our conscious and subconscious thought is mesmerising, and what our dreams can say about our life orientation, our hopes, ambitions, and loves. But equally, our malevolence, evil and cynicism that dwells in us all, is beyond intricate and somewhat intoxicating. I still have a fascination with it now, and I think that’s partly what made me fall for Nolan’s epic of a masterpiece in the conception of Inception!
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