
Is it time to invest in HR software?

invest in HR software, Kettle mag
Written by Nigel Simpkins

Most modern companies would be totally lost without their software packages. Very few firms do much with pen and paper these days. In fact, many companies have completely ditched their manual processes. 

Everything is done electronically using a software package that has been bought specifically for the task. Software that is regularly updated and upgraded.

However, many firms neglect one department. A surprisingly large number of companies are yet to invest in HR software. 

HR software saves time

For some reason, even some large firms still expect they human resources team to work using just Excel spreadsheets, and a basic payroll package. Exactly why, is not clear, but there is no doubt that it is a very inefficient way to work. It leaves your HR team having to key in data across multiple spreadsheets, which wastes time and makes mistakes more likely. As you will see if you read this article, some of these errors can cost you a lot of money.

If you invest in HR software, like the kind that is available setting up a new employee is a breeze. All you need to do is to enter their name, social security number, DOB, pay scale and tax details once.

These details are then used multiple times by the system. They are dropped into the payroll, absenteeism and training sections. At the touch of a button, you can make sure that a new employee is set up to go through your induction process, and completes any necessary training. 

Helps you to stay within the law

This is especially important if you are involved in a sector like construction where some training is legally required. Using modern HR software allows you to record the fact the person went through the course, passed any necessary exams, and make sure that they are scheduled to take refresher courses if the law requires them to do so.

Effective staff development

If you want to develop your staff, good HR software makes it far easier for you to do so. It enables you to put together a tailored training package for each employee. It is even possible to assign an individual training budget to each member of staff to make sure that you get value for money.

You can also monitor employee performance and analysis whether someone improves after training. Using this data, you can quickly work out which employees you should be focusing on developing.

Appraisal modules

Most modern HR software packages have appraisal modules built in. This makes it far easier for your line managers to manage their teams. It standardises the appraisal process across the company, which helps to ensure fairness, and accountability.

Speeds up recruitment

If you buy a package that includes a recruitment module you can greatly simplify, and speed up, the process of finding new members of staff. Job adverts can be stored for repeated use, and be automatically posted on multiple websites, and sent to all of your favourite agencies.

There are many other ways HR software can save you money. If you want to learn more all you need to do is to click here.