Being a foster carer can be one of the most wonderful, promising and rewarding jobs or career a person can have. Sadly, it is currently less understood and underrated. This world we live in is in need of individuals who can provide a safe, secure and nurturing environment for children, especially the abandoned, neglected and vulnerable ones. A way to show compassion and care for others is caring for children other than your biological offspring. It would be wonderful to share the gift of love, time and care for the children and youth who are in need of these priceless gifts.
Foster carer: It’s a Job…and it Pays!
It should be noted being a foster carer is both a privilege and a responsibility. Being a foster carer is often a full time job, and the article “What do foster carers get paid?” from Perpetual Fostering explains the different ways foster carers are compensated for their efforts. So in compensation for the laudable dedication and hard work of the unsung heroes called foster carers, it is just and fair to pay what is due for them. As foster carers treat their foster kids akin to their own sons or daughters, it should be clearly put to mind by the foster carer to do the necessary steps in ensuring the welfare and safety of the foster kids under their care. One good example is bringing the important and necessary documents if foster carers should bring their kids along on a vacation abroad.
Going Abroad with the Foster Kids – What to Bring?
Vacations and holidays are wonderful opportunities for foster carers and their foster kids to have fun, explore new sights and sounds and bond with each other. If foster carers are planning to bring along their foster kids for a vacation abroad, then they should plan the trip ahead of time, make the necessary arrangements, preparations and get the needed permissions that go along with the planned travel. Most importantly secure the duly accomplished documents necessary for the trip with the foster kids. So what are the documents that foster carers need to secure?
Document requirements vary from place to place or with each country. Taking UK as an example, there are several important documents foster carers must be aware of and be ready to secure.
The Social Worker should be made aware and must agree with the vacation travel abroad Placement Plan/Placement Information Record. All vacation or holiday travels abroad must be approved by the Designated Manager. A consent form must be signed by the parents or person with parental responsibility of the foster kids. If the travel destination is within EU/EEA countries and Switzerland, the foster kids will need to be covered for medical treatment through a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Also, a private travel insurance policy is needed for kids traveling abroad. Another document of equal importance is the passport. The foster kids should be holders of a passport as mandated by the United Kingdom Passport Agency. Applications for the passports of foster kids are facilitated by the social workers. Once these documents are secured, then the much-awaited vacation with the foster kids is all set.