As February approaches, so does that time where everyone joins one of two camps. Camp one is those who are so deeply in love with their other half that they can’t wait to spend the most romantic day of the year together and make sure all their Twitter followers know about it. And there is camp two, for those who are fiercely single and proud, who will inevitably spend the day avoiding any form of romance or happiness, or will spend the day with their gal-pals, whilst letting the world know that they don’t need no man to enjoy mates dates on v-day.
Although there is absolutely nothing wrong with assigning yourself to either of these camps, there is a significantly under-represented group somewhere in the middle. Those who have other-halves that they would love to spend the day showering in love and affection, but they can’t. That group, of course, is the long-distance relationship category. Couples and singletons alike should spare a moment for those who have significant others that may be at a different university on the other side of the country, or for those with partners in the forces, they may be on the other side of the world.
So, how can those in long-distance relationships celebrate the 14th of February without each other’s physical presence?
Skype dinner
Okay, so Skype sounds like an an obvious one as it’s probably how most people in an LDR communicate anyway, but on Valentine’s Day there’s nothing sweeter than cooking a lovely dinner with a glass of wine and sitting down to the table with your loved one, even if that means setting up the iPad across from you at the table.

Of course it requires a level of preparation, especially if you want to eat the same meal, but with some candles in the background it can be a really romantic way to connect with your other half, no matter where in the world they are.
Netflix and chill
Along the same lines as the previous one, the best way to stay on a level with your long-distance partner, not just on Valentine’s Day but all year round, is to pick a binge-worthy Netflix series, put it on at the same time and text one another a running commentary.
If you haven’t already seen it, Making a Murderer is absolutely perfect for this occasion. So many questions. ‘Omg, did he do it?!’ ‘What did that detective just say?!’ ‘I am outraged at the justice system!’ Yeah, you get the idea.
Photo gifts everywhere
As sad as it sounds, the most thoughtful gift you can give to your distant lover is a gift that will remind them of times when you were actually together. Thanks to Photobox, Moonpig and Funky Pigeon, etc etc, there are so many opportunities to do just that. Thoughtful photo albums or a lovely canvas are definitely the way to go. Teamed with a bouquet of flowers, regardless of your gender (men like flowers too!), you’re on to a winner.
Are you in a long distance relationship? What are your tips to help with celebrating Valentine’s Day apart? Let us know in the comments below!