
How do you pack your life into 22Kg?

Facing the ultimate travelling obstacle – How to pack every single thing you own for your trip and where do you put the kitchen sink?

Facing the ultimate travelling obstacle – How to pack every single thing you own for your trip and where do you put the kitchen sink?

The first thing you ought to probably know about me is that writing/blogging/tweeting is a major form of procrastination for me.

The second thing is that, in 2 days time, I will be leaving this lovely country that we call “home” to embark upon the most exciting (and terrifying) year of my life to date: my third year abroad in France. 

And, finally, I ought to share that I haven’t even begun to pack my mountain of possessions into an average sized suitcase. I’ve not really even made or consulted a list. I can see the clothes and I can see the cases, but I can’t see myself getting around to it anytime soon. It is rather frustrating to be me sometimes…

Despite this poor excuse for a summer that we have had to endure, the south of France does pretty much guarantee sunshine until October and thus I feel like I’m packing for an extended summer holiday. Well, I guess I pretty much am but with the odd grammar book thrown in for good measure. So, do I pack suncream? Several bikinis? Or do I sacrifice such ‘essentials’ for pens, lever arch files and slippers? Oh, I do hate having to be… what’s that word? “Sensible”?

After much thinking (OK, not that much, I’ll be honest) I think the only way around this is one of two options:

  1. Either… Wear as many garments as possible on the plane… shoes within shoes, more jewelry than a TOWIE extra, multiple layers of jumpers. I could perhaps wear my laptop speakers like some sort of ghetto accessory and my various computer cables like a belt.  
  2. Or… I could accept the fact that there will be SHOPS in France – Provence is not as backward as you might imagine – and trim the fat from my packing.

I’m going to go with the latter because, as much as I would love to rock the ‘Michelin Man’ look, I love a good excuse to go shopping. You never know what the French fashion scene might be like dah-ling and I could be completely out of it with my berry jeans and polka dot dress. In that case, it is pretty much ESSENTIAL that I buy a brand new capsule wardrobe out there. I sense such tough times are ahead, wish me luck… lol, jk.