sex & relationships

Forgot your Anniversary? Check out these last-minute gifts to make it up!

Written by Nigel Simpkins

‘Did you forget our anniversary again?’ your partner looks at you in disappointment as all your decked up friends and family share the emotion and look away. Beads of sweat run down your face as you look at the cake your partner so lovingly baked for you. You drop your laptop bag. And as if this day could not get any worse, the alarm rings. It was a dream.

You check the date. It’s today—your anniversary. Your partner is sleeping peacefully on the other side of the bed. But you know what you have to do. You have been given the gift of an early nightmare.

Get ready, because you only have a few hours to go before all hell breaks loose.

But first, check out our list of last-minute gifts that you’re going to need.

#1 The Scent Of A Woman (Or A Man) – Perfume

As cliche as it sounds, a good fragrance can last a long time. Whether it’s a Penhaligon’s or a Burberry, take some time out at the store before deciding which one(s) you like best! Knowing what your partner’s favorite fragrance is will make the process easier for you. Or you could just restock their perfume cabinet with some nice sandalwood, blossom, and lavender scents! Make it memorable with some chocolates. Good times are coming!

#2 A Little Ball Of Fur – A Puppy!

Before you choose to go ahead with a pet, answer a few questions.

Is raising a puppy something that your partner would like? Can you both commit to a pet in the long term? Can you afford to maintain a pet? Do you have enough space?

If all your answers were a resounding yes, Organizations like The Kennel Club will help you find and keep a little puppy. Although it may take a while to get the pup home, when he does come home, it’s going to make for one unforgettable anniversary present!

#3 Paint The Town Red – A Wine Basket

Celebrate your anniversary – Pinot and Merlot style! A special day demands a special wine. The best wine may not be available in your vicinity, but plenty of same day delivery gifts services will make sure that your gift is delivered safely.. Home-cooked candlelight dinner by you for your partner with some of that wine is a memory for the history books – and all in a day too!

#4 A Library For The Bookworms

You need three simple steps to set up your home library.

Step one – Whether it’s Jane Austen, Kate Atkinson, or David Nicholls or all three, pick up their favourite books – from your nearest bookstore or online.

Step two – Check out bookshelves from Furniture Village, IKEA, or Habitat to arrange the books.

Step three – fill the bookshelf with small surprises like flowers and chocolates amongst the books.

It’s ready!

P.S – Don’t forget the bookmarks, lots of them!

#5 Go Get ‘Em All – Subscription And Gift Cards

Are you confused about what to buy from Primark, John Lewis, Marks, And Spencers, or Nando’s? How about all of them! Don’t worry; it is all under budget. Instead of buying a special something from all your partner’s favorite stores, present them with the gift cards so they can choose for themselves! This way, everything from bone china to a comfortable cushion can be picked by them, and guess what, you’re in clear waters too!


Phew, that was one hell of a day, was it not? Good thing that your partner didn’t know that you figured it out at the last minute. Or did they? It doesn’t matter! Planned or spontaneous, the right gifts will always make a lasting impression. Every minute counts, so you better get out there and prove it too!

Hope these gift ideas helped you pick out gifts for your significant other. How did you make the day special for each other?