
Disney/Fox merger: The effects on the current X-Men movies

Written by Doc

It was recently announced that the Disney/Fox merger was another step closer to being complete as Disney’s acquisition of Fox was approved. As I have stated previously this can be perceived as a negative thing for several reasons.

Recently though as pointed out by several outlets, including, a reddit user claiming to be an employee at Fox said that the current slate of X-Men films were in bother. It was believed that X-Men: Dark Phoenix and The New Mutants were to be shelved for now and to be released on a streaming platform later. There have been several set backs to both productions, although X-Men: Dark Phoenix is to be released next year, yet there is no trailer or official set photos. Dark Phoenix may not be cancelled, but it is definitely in trouble.

The post also stated that Channing Tatum’s proposed Gambit movie was to be cancelled and to be honest that would not be a surprise at all if it were true. The film has gone through several changes, cast have been added and dropped out, even several different directors have been attached throughout the years. Fox’s marvel properties really are a mess as is.

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Image courtesy of

However, Fox is still moving forward with the release of both films in 2019, those being The New Mutants and X-Men; Dark Phoenix. Except with this acquisition by Disney being approved by both companies it is up in the air as to what will happen following 2019.

For the full story check out this video from YouTube Channel WhatCulture:

Or read the full article by