student life

Christmas shopping on a student budget

List of presents to buy? Check. List of cards to buy? Check? No Money in bank account? Check.

List of presents to buy? Check. List of cards to buy? Check? No Money in bank account? Check.

Being a student can be tough at times, and this is most true at Christmas. In the run up to the Christmas period I have plenty of family birthdays, and a couple of friends who have turned 21 this year. Meaning my bank is empty. Not to mention having to fix my old car only for it then to break completely and then having to spend money on a new one. 

My student loan doesn’t last me long, especially with Christmas being at the end of the term. Why can’t the student loans company give you next terms loan before the holidays? Maybe we should speak to them about this…

I’ve written a list of presents I need to buy for my family and I’m yet to make a single purchase. I don’t usually leave shopping this late, but this year I’ve had no choice. Secret Santa from me is also delayed in the student house. 

My parents say not to bother buying anything for them, as they understand my money situation. But after all the help they offer me financially over my time at university, I can’t really turn up on Christmas day and receive presents and not give any back.

My problem is that I love giving gifts. I enjoy shopping for other people, seeing something I know they will really love, and can’t wait to see them open it on the day. I make a budget, but I’m useless at sticking to it. But the fact is I don’t have an endless supply of money at the moment. Who does nowadays?

I know what I’m getting everyone; it’s just making the purchase which is the problem. I’m itching to get out there and shop, I even keep looking on Amazon for CDs and DVDs people want and wishing I could click the ‘Add to Basket’ button. Unfortunately I can’t. 

Term finishes tomorrow for Christmas, and when I go home I’ll start my Christmas shopping. I won’t need to worry about saving the money so that I’m able to eat. This means people WILL have gifts to open on the 25th December. 

It gets me to wondering though, what Christmas will be like for me next year. I graduate in July, so if I manage to find some employment I should be able to enjoy Christmas shopping. And budgets will increase too! Well fingers crossed…