food & drink

Christmas foodie favourites from the Kettle team

Christmas, food, traditions, Alex Goode, Kettle Mag
Written by littlegoode

Christmas is creeping up on us, and with only a few sleeps until the big day, we’ve been asking the Kettle team about their Christmas traditions and the festive foods that they’re most looking forward to eating on the 25th!

Leon Wingham, Managing Editor

“I cook Christmas dinner every year, and every year I make sure I’ve made enough roast potatoes to sink a battleship.”

Emma Jacobs, Deputy Editor

“Mulled wine is consumed in large quanities in my house; it’s morally fine and smells damn good!”

Reece Cowlishaw, Deputy Editor

“A few years ago, Christmas dinner was in its final stages of preparation, when my Mum said ‘I hope you’re not going to sit down for dinner looking like that,’ which was aimed at my Dad. This led to me and my Dad sneaking upstairs and donning full suit attire – shirts, ties, jackets. It was a joke but was so well received that now we’re smartly dressed for Christmas every year.”

Ellie Kumar, Deputy Editor

“I think our tradition is three roasts in three days. We have turkey on Christmas, beef on Boxing Day and usually a ham thrown in there somewhere too…”

Kirstie Keate, Business Editor

“It’s all about home made mince pies, home made spiced fruit cake and Christmas ham and mulled wine from the farm shop up the road!”

Alex Goode, Food & Drink Editor

“Every year on Boxing Day morning my Mum makes a batch of thick American style pancakes and we have them with maple syrup and leftover pigs in blankets, so we can pretend that we’re back in the States. It’s better than IHOP.”

Alex Veeneman, Media Editor

“Last year was unconventional, my mother and sister had manicotti and I had shrimp, bread and vegetables included. This year, my Mom and sister might have ham and I might have shrimp again.”

Alice Wolff, Women’s Editor

“In my family our Christmas bird is always goose. It’s too big for us to eat so we always have leftovers, and my Mum uses the fat to make the most delicious roast potatoes.”

Angus Duncan, Politics Editor

“It’s not a Christmas tradition, but I always look forward to my steak pie on New Year’s Day.”

Joshua Daniels, Contributor

“As a vegetarian, it’s amazing how good a nut roast can get with practice (and a few pecans thrown in).”

Sana Sarwar, Contributor

“It’s the only time of the year when we eat turkey, as it’s easy to get halal turkey at Christmas. My family get quite hyped up about it and the men in the house suddenly think they can cook and carve the turkey better than the women. It’s a sight to see!”

Do you and your family have a strange but wonderful Christmas foodie tradition? Or is it just classical fare cooked with love? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting us @KettleMag. Have a wonderful Christmas from all of us here at Kettle!