Celebrity Big Brother: Ken and Jeremy shock the public with their actions

There was no doubt last Wednesday when a handful of mismatched celebrities entered the Big Brother house for a new series that there would be some serious drama involved.

Controversial columnist Katie Hopkins was the first to enter, to much booing from fans, and in typical Big Brother style she was set up as the evil villain of the show. But somewhat shockingly since then Hopkins has been nothing but sweetness and light, barely getting involved in any of the arguments over the past few days.

The action from the first weekend in the house has been entertaining for the most part, but has been pretty offensive and shocking viewing, sparking public outcry on social media and to Ofcom.

Ken Morley, best known for playing Coronation Street character Reg, has shown himself in a particularly negative light after being portrayed on the launch night as a loveable elderly man. After engaging in a conversation with 80’s soul singer, Alexander O’Neal, the 71-year-old used racially offensive language, and was later given an official warning. O’Neal took the conversation in the best possible light, opting to attempt to inform Morley of the implications of using such language and explaining why it is seen as so offensive in this day and age.

O’Neal’s wife Cynthia has allegedly stated that she believes Ken is a racist and should have been immediately evicted from the house for his comments:



Morley further disgraced himself with a series of sexist comments directed to the women of the house. At one point, he openly stated in the kitchen how he was about to go to the bathroom purely to look at the girls’ bottoms, to which chef and presenter Nadia Sawalha and actress Patsy Kensit took strong offense.

He also made a comment to RuPaul’s Drag Race judge Michelle Visage, making explicit sexual remarks about what she would do to other housemate Calum Best if she were single.

Aside from Morley’s shocking behaviour there was another incredibly alarming weekend event involving ex-Baywatch star Jeremy Jackson. Housemates have been worried about him from the outset with concerns of his drinking and mental frame of mind after it was revealed that on the outside he has been dealing with a bad divorce.

After having a little too much to drink Jackson was sick in the toilet. Offering help was 21-year-old Chloe Goodman who entered the toilet in her robe to help the American. Many of the housemates were in and out of the toilet to help, but at one point the door was closed with only Jeremy and Chloe left inside. Through the microphones the audience were privy to a comment from Chloe in which she stated to Jeremy that an unseen event was ‘not ok’.

Chloe then exited the toilet and burst into tears in Nadia’s arms as she described how she had leaned over to help Jackson and he had pulled her robe open, revealing her bare breast.

After extensive talks with both parties in the diary room Big Brother made the correct decision in removing Jeremy from the house based on his inappropriate physical conduct. He has since flown back to America.



Understandably, Chloe was shaken up by the event, but has since said that she would like to clear the air with Jeremy once she is out of the house as she doesn’t think he meant to do anything malicious.

Morley was also removed from the house on Monday, after failing to stop using offensive language. In light of this, last night’s eviction, in which Alexander, Chloe and Ken all faced the public vote, was cancelled.



Despite falling viewing ratings, it was one hell of a weekend for the Channel 5 show, and with all eyes on the house the public are now hoping to be entertained, without seeing any more insults. Well, we live in hope anyway.

What do you think of the events at the Celebrity Big Brother house? Have your say in the comments section below.