
Casualties reported in attacks in Paris

UPDATE (05:00, AV):

Here is a summary of what we know:

  • At least 150 people have been killed in 6 attacks in Paris
  • Officials say all of the attackers are believed to be dead. Eight attackers had been killed, yet police are looking for possible accomplices.
  • Reports say at least 200 people are injured
  • The Foreign Office has said it is monitoring the situation to see if any British nationals were implicated
  • French president Francois Hollande says his country’s fight against terrorism will be merciless
  • World leaders, including Prime Minister David Cameron and US President Barack Obama, have expressesd their shock of the attacks and say they stand ready to help France if needed
  • Residents of Paris are being advised to stay indoors

Coverage on this live page has concluded. Thank you for joining us.

UPDATE (04:31, AV):

The Guardian is reporting that the Paris prosecutors office says eight attackers have died, seven of them in suicide bombings.

UPDATE (04:16, AV):

Eurostar has said trains between the UK and France will still be operating as normal. Yet, they are allowing passengers to change their travel dates should they no longer wish to travel.





British Airways, in a message on their web site, said they are monitoring the situation. They add that passengers are able to delay their flight up until 28 November or rebook to another destination. They advise their customers to check the airline’s web site to see if the flight is departing as normal or is delayed.

UPDATE (03:28, AV):

Francois Molins, the prosecutor in Paris, has shared updated figures with media. Molins said six locations were targeted. Eighteen people have died in the shooting at the Rue de Charonne, three people were killed at the Stade de France, one person died at the Boulevard Voltaire, five people died at the Rue de la fontaine au roi, while fourteen people died at the Rue Alibert.

Molins added that he believed the number of deaths at the Bataclan Arts Centre totaled 120, while the five attackers had been killed.

Separately, Agence France-Presse and other outlets have reported that 200 people were injured, 80 of them serious.

UPDATE (02:45, AV):

The head of Paris police has said that all of the attackers are believed to be dead, according to reports from the Associated Press news agency and The Guardian. Yet, Michel Cadot said authorities were looking for any possible accomplices.

UPDATE (02.14, AV)

Francois Hollande has been speaking to the media. He said the fight against terrorism will be merciless.



UPDATE (01.49, AV)

The commissioner of the Metropolitan Police in London, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, has said that his force is on standby to offer any assistance to Paris, in a message via Twitter.



UPDATE (1.33, JW)

BBC sports editor Dan Roan reports that the German national football team are still inside the stadium. 

Associated Press quote Paris prosecutors as saying five gunmen may be dead across the city and that the death toll exceeds 120 people. 

UPDATE (00.54, JW)

Belgium is imposing checks on the French border of rail and air arrivals. 

UPDATE (00.36, JW)

AFP update: 

UPDATE (00.21, JW)

AFP quote a police source as saying there are at least 100 dead at Bataclan concert hall. They are also reporting President Hollande is on his way there. 

UPDATE (00:05, AV)

A spokesperson for the Foreign Office tells Kettle that they have updated their travel advice regarding France. They are working with French authorities to determine whether or not any British nationals were caught up in the attacks. The travel advice is being updated as the situation developed.

Those concerned about friends and relatives can ring the Foreign Office on 020 7008 1500.

UPDATE (23.56, JW)

Reuters report that the Bataclan operation is over and two gunmen have been killed. 

UPDATE (23.51, JW)

The band Eagles of Death Metal were playing at the Bataclan concert hall tonight. On Facebook they confirmed they were looking for some of their band members.

UPDATE (23:50, AV)

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has issued a statement. He said Canada stood ready to offer any assistance requested and expressed his shock on the attacks. 

UPDATE (23.43)

Three French police chiefs have confirmed the explosions outside the concert hall were part of the raid.

The United Nations secretary general Ban Ki-Moon had condemned tghe “despicable” attacks and demands the release of the hostages in Bataclan.

UPDATE (23:39, AV)

The French news agency Agence France-Presse is quoting a French security source saying police have raided the concert hall. The AFP also reported quoting a US official that there is no specific or credible threat to the country.

UPDATE (23.26, JW)
The president of the French Football Federation Noel La Graet confirmed three people died in the blast outside the Stade de France. 

Reuters are reporting that several explosions have been heard outside the Bataclan Theatre where a hostage situation is ongoing. 

UPDATE (23:21, AV)

French police officials have confirmed to the Associated Press news agency that there were two suicide attacks and one bombing near Stade de France.

UPDATE (23.16, JW)

200 soldiers have been sent to 10th and 11th arrondissment where the attacks have been taking place. The shooters are still on the loose.

Additionally, French Police have told the AFP news agency that at least 15 people have been killed at the Bataclan concert hall. 

UPDATE (23:15, AV)

Contact information for the British Embassy for any UK nationals in Paris requesting assistance is +33 1 44 513 100. 

A hashtag #porteouverte, meaning open door in French, is trending on Twitter to help provide shelter to those in unsafe conditions. At this writing, it is trending in the UK as well as worldwide.



UPDATE (23:08, AV)

US President Barack Obama, speaking from the White House, said the US was on standby to offer assistance to the French. Obama said the attack was an attack on all of humanity and universal values that are shared.

In Paris, a witness told the BBC World Service confirmed hearing gunfire in the 11th district. Meanwhile, Liberation, the French newspaper, has said 42 people have died.


UPDATE: (22.58, JW)

The French president, Francois Hollande has declared a state of emergency. People are urged to get off the streets as security forces have been mobolised and borders closed. 


There have been casulaties reported in attacks in the French capital Paris. Reports of the attacks began to emerge shortly before 22:00 GMT, with hostages being taken at the Bataclan Arts Centre, according to a report from the Agence France-Presse news agency. Media reports say at least 60 hostages have been taken at the centre. 

A police official told the US Associated Press news agency that 35 people were killed and 100 hostages have been taken at the centre. Reports, albeit unconfirmed, say police have stormed the centre.

There were also reports of an explosion being heard at a bar near the Stade de France, where France and Germany were playing an international football match. That match had concluded.

In a statement through Twitter, Prime Minister David Cameron expressed his deep shock over the attacks.



A report from the BBC also notes a shooting in the 11th arrondissement.