
Kettle Mag interview Frank Turner

This month will see folk-punk singer-songwriter Frank Turner release his sixth studio album Positive Songs For Negative People. Laura Brown caught up with him pre-release.

We’re very excited for your new album, Positive Songs for Negative People. What made you take this positive direction after the more downbeat last album?

Well, the new record is a reaction to the previous one really. It’s about survival, making it through a bad time.

‘The Next Storm,’ the latest single from the album, already seems to be capturing people’s attention. Is this one of the greatest pleasures you gain from making music?

Uh, yes.

Which of the new songs are you most excited for people to hear?

I’m very proud of the record overall, I put everything into this one. I guess I’m excited for people to hear ‘Silent Key’ and ‘Josephine,’ but really I’m keen for the whole thing to be available for everyone to hear.

Did any other musicians help inspire the new album?

Not specifically really, though I suppose Weezer’s Pinkerton record was a big inspiration sonically. That’s not to say I’m not the sum of my influences, like everyone else – of course I am.

Your almost constant tour schedule takes you all over the world. Are there any bands you’ve discovered on your travels that you’re particularly excited about?

Yes, I usually end up taking them on tour with me. 

Frank has toured with Flogging Molly, Jim Lockey & The Solemn Sun in the past. This year he’ll be taking Skinny Lister & Beans on Toast with him on his US tour dates.

And finally, given that we’re in the middle of festival season, who would be your three dream festival headliners?

Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band, The Band, Elton John.

Positive Songs For Negative People will be released on 7th August 2015 via Xtra Mile Records. Frank hits the road later this year, details can be found here.

Are you a fan of Frank Turner? Let us know in the comments below!