
Around the world with Cameron Ridgway

View of Santiago, Chile
Written by Cameron Ridgway

A strong desire to pack your suitcase and get the first flight to anywhere around the world can be tempting and everyone's travel list can be full of some great countries they wish to travel too. Our Travel feature, "Around the World", gives us a glimpse into the places and countries our editors here at Kettle travelled too. This week, we have a look at the places our Media editor Cameron Ridgway has been too. 

Which countries have you been to so far?

I’ve been to France, Germany, Austria, Spain, Greece and Denmark in Europe and I’m currently on a year abroad in Chile.

What is your preferred choice of transport?

I don’t have a particular favourite and tend to go for whatever is most convenient. In terms of comfort and general ease I’d probably say aeroplane but for travel across land my choices tend to vary. While travelling by train is often more convenient in Europe, in Chile and much of South America there is no real national railway network so travelling by coach is often the cheapest and easiest solution – coaches out here come with fully reclining bed type seats and much more legroom so it is more comfortable than you would think!

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I would like really like go to Cuba at some point, especially Havana. The history of the country makes it a unique place in the world to visit and the rate at which things are changing after the decision to normalise diplomatic relations with the US means that some of this heritage may not be visible for much longer.

Who would be or is your ideal travel companion and why?

Someone who has similar interests to my own or is better at being a tourist than I am! Although I can understand a lot more than many visitors to Chile as a languages student I am so indecisive that picking where to go and what to do isn’t always an easy process.

Laguna Avendano, QuillonWhen do you think is the right time to go on holiday?

Different times of year work best for different places. Having experienced the whole year here in Chile, which is in the southern hemisphere and has its seasons reversed compared to European countries you quickly learn to plan accordingly! It’s often best to avoid the public holidays and school holiday season wherever you are going as things get a lot busier and its often much more difficult to fit in everything you want to as a result. 

How long do you go tend to go on holiday for?

Normally a week or two weeks, although I have been on shorter weekend or three day breaks if short of time.

What activities do you like to do whilst on holiday? (Sunbathe, hiking, surfing..)

As I’m interested in world affairs and cultural history I really like to visit places that show the evolution of a country as well as its history, whether that be museums, hikes or monuments, though I’m equally up for doing something more laid back such as a trip to the zoo or the beach! Chile is such a varied country geographically that there is a whole range of different things to see, many of which I haven’t even explored yet and am hoping to fit in over the next few months. Although you can also go skiing and partake in a whole different range of more extreme pursuits I’m nowhere near adventurous enough to do so!

What countries are you planning to visit in the future?

I’m currently in the middle of planning a trip to Argentina by road, taking in both Buenos Aires and Mendoza as well as a brief visit to Uruguay. As I have six months left of my year in South America I’m hoping to make the most of it by exploring much more of Chile and the surrounding countries.

What's places have you been to or are on your travel list? Let us know in the comments below!