sex & relationships

All the single ladies… All the single ladies… Put your hands up

If we ladies were given a pound every time we heard the phrase, ‘he’s out there somewhere you know’ or ‘you’ll find your prince charming soon’ we would be very r

If we ladies were given a pound every time we heard the phrase, ‘he’s out there somewhere you know’ or ‘you’ll find your prince charming soon’ we would be very rich women. Looking at the glass half full (with wine if possible), I see being single as an opportunity to do things that you couldn’t otherwise do if you were in a relationship. And I don’t mean singing into a bottle of wine to Celine Dion whilst wearing your onesie and eating crisps. Nothing wrong with that of course, but maybe change the CD to Adele. Much better.

Single life can be particularly highlighted when the holidays creep around but perhaps we should look at it from a different, more positive angle – at least you don’t spend a fortune by having to buy presents for a partner (therefore having more money to treat yourself with). Yes that MAC lipstick is worth the money and you will get SO much wear out of it.

Instead of being subjected to horrendous chat up lines on a night out, when let’s face it the guy chatting you up is a more than a little inebriated, why don’t you take things into your own hands and see what’s out there for the taking.  Singles events are great for having a laugh with the girls and to potentially meet the love of your life. Speed dating nights take place all over the UK and Ireland and it just takes a quick Google search to find one. Don’t take it too seriously and you could be pleasantly surprised. With a small fee to pay as well, the calibre of men have already been vetted, filtering out the ones who are serious about finding someone and keeping the ones who are not. The success rate has gone up before you’ve even sat down!

Self-named Singlelista, Avril Mulcahy is a leading dating expert who is an old hand at these types of events. Creating and taking part in one herself called ’40 dates in 40 days’, she told me that if someone says they can’t get a date she refuses to believe them. ‘I had to find a date every day and then go on the date. The reason I did it was to show people that you can. Yes it may be difficult and you might have to push yourself outside of your comfort zone, but it can be done.’ Avril recommends trying speed dating, internet dating and any other events out there that are bringing people in the same boat together, however she warns about the internet dating trap. ‘Don’t get caught in the net that a lot of people do who try internet dating and get addicted to it. The whole idea is to find a way to physically meet someone, not speak to them over the internet.’  Avril is currently organising a new type of event called ‘Supper Safari’. Hailed as a mystery dating experience, the participants are only informed of the location the night before the event. It is certainly something with a difference that is proving popular.  Check her out at Girls, she can even ‘head hunt’ a man for you!

It seems that with a bit of positive attitude and a self-approved independent woman status, it is possible to be happy being single. So put down that glass of self-pity, pick up your dancing shoes, slip your positive outlook into your pocket and celebrate the opportunities only single life can hand you. All together now…All the single ladies, all the single ladies….