
5 tips for handling curly and frizzy hair

I have a love/hate relationship with my natural hair. Sometimes I wake up and feel like I can take on the world and other days I feel like my hair has a personal vendetta against me. I have naturally curly, frizzy hair and it can be such a pain, so I’m sharing with you my best tips for managing it.

It can be a treat to straighten your hair but it goes without saying that doing this too often damages it. Plus if you’re anything like me, within five seconds your hair has started to curl again and you’ve wasted an hour of your life straightening it *sigh*.

So here are my best tips on how to handle and own your curly, frizzy hair.

1. Avoid brushing your hair while it’s dry

I’ve found in the past that if I brush my hair while it’s dry and knotty, it’s more likely to frizz up after you’ve washed it. Not to mention that brushing your hair causes split ends anyway, which makes curly hair knot up more.  

It’s best to brush your hair while you have conditioner on in the shower. Easier and less painful as well… result!

 2. Plaits are your best friend

I usually wash my hair at night; wait for it to dry slightly and then put it in plaits. This helps to give more tightened curls and reduces frizz. If you sleep fidget as well it stops your hair from becoming a tangled mess.

P.s. If you have days where your hair is just too frizzy, hide the frizz by making the front sections of your hair into mini plaits and tying them at the back of your head with a bobble. Trust me, it’s so easy and such a lifesaver, especially when you want an extra 5 minutes snooze before that 9am lecture!

Libby Lovell, Kettle Mag, 5 tips for curly hair, Image: Libby Lovell

  3. Use the right anti-frizz serum for your hair type

This one might seem a bit obvious but it’s still so true! It’s best to experiment with different serums over time to see which one helps your hair the most.

4. Wash your hair every other day

If I wash my hair on a Monday, I’ll leave it a day and then wash it again on Wednesday. I used to wash my hair every day and it made the top of my hair greasy and the curly bit dry and unmanageable.

I tried this technique after my dad, who’s a barber, said that it would help me out. It works wonders for me and as long as I put my hair in plaits (as mentioned above) every night, the style usually holds as well.

5. Learn to feel confident with your natural hair

I think the best tip I can give you is to learn to love your hair. It makes it so much more enjoyable to manage and you’re more likely to see results if you feel confident. Experiment with different hairstyles and go out there and rock that wild hair.

So there we have it, my 5 tips on managing curly hair. Natural hair CAN be awesome, not only does it reduce time spend getting ready but it can be fun to work with (when it co-operates). You go out and rock those curly locks!