
Women’s History Month 2016

Women’s History Month takes place each March, as a way to pay tribute to the contributions made by women to society. All women deserve the same recognition that is more freely granted to men, and young girls deserve to have inspirational role models honoured for their actions and achievements. So throughout March, join us for a her-story lesson, and learn something new about women’s history.

The History of Women’s History Month

Women’s Editor Kealie Mardell introduces us to Women’s History Month 2016 with a look at how the celebrations started. 

5 bestsellers by women published under male pseudonyms

Whether it be to conceal their true gender, race, heritage, or family name, pseudonyms have been used for centuries to succeed with freedom of anonymity. Rae Coppola looks at popular books first published under a male or gender-neutral pen name.

Lady Godiva and the naked protest

Fiona Bigirwenkya looks at the history of Lady Godiva and how naked protests are still used today.

Revolutionary female designers who changed fashion

Style Editor Sian Bradley looks at 10 the most revolutionary female fashion designers throughout time.

Inspiring Feminism: Mary Shelley

Laura Noakes pays tribute to one of her favourite historical women, Frankenstein author Mary Shelley.  

Women’s Firsts: The Nobel Prize Winners 

Only 48 women, compared to 825 men have been awarded a Nobel Prize. Here’s the first in each category. 

Military History: Where are the Women?

Alison Edwards discusses why women’s roles in the military have been ignored throughout history.

Top 5 songs with a message for Women’s Rights

It’s time to take a look at some of the inspirational women who have provided us with our most empowering songs, as Emily Hodgson shares her top 5 feminist anthems.

Revolutionary female designers who changed fashion

Throughout history, female fashion designers have revolutionised the way women dress. Sian Bradley showcases 10 of the best. 

The most successful women in business 

Sarah Goodyer looks at the women who are thriving in the world of business. 

Can journalism change the discussion on gender?

Sian Bradley looks at women’s sections across journalism, and how beneficial they are to the gender conversation.