
Why autumn is my favourite season

Written by May Loonam

Whilst most people are probably already in mourning of summer 2015, I cannot wait for autumn to fully kick in. To me there’s nothing worse than sticky humidity and the guilt of not fitting into my shorts. The colours, the food, the fashion and the new start – autumn is definitely my favourite season.


I’m a big foodie and the salads I feel obliged to eat throughout summer just don’t cut it. I love autumn/winter warmers and Sunday roasts – good hearty, satisfying food. Autumn (and winter) recipes are the definition of comfort.

Make up and fashion

Autumn sees the annual introduction of the berry lipstick and eyeliner combination and I can’t wait.

The fresher weather means less oily (and lets be honest, sweaty) skin which means make up usually stays in its place with less need to powder throughout the day. I’m a big fan of wearing bright/dark lipsticks and in the summer it feels a bit excessive – whereas it brightens up my skin when it (and the weather) gets duller.

I love the fashion in Autumn, particularly colours like beige and camel, and the fact that it becomes more acceptable to wear entirely black and monochrome outfits although, for me, this is the case all year round. For me, Autumn provides the perfect balance between feeling self-conscious in skimpy tops and bare legs and having to wear layers and layers, as often a nice jumper/light jacket does the job. There is less pressure to fake tan/remove hair means so much time saved as us girls can cover up in a cosy jumper/jeans/ boots combination.


The inner child in me is also dying for an excuse to get dressed up as a pumpkin or the cliché cat and that opportunity comes in the form of Halloween, a festival I automatically associate with autumn, with the added bonus of going out drinking at the same time. A favourite childhood memory of mine is trick or treating, and although that probably isn’t sociably acceptable at the age of 20, I still don’t feel any guilt in dressing up, especially after a double or 5.


Whilst I’m in no way a fan of the harsh winds, rain and potential snow that winter brings, the middle ground between that and the humidity of the summer season means fresh weather where you can get away with just wearing a jumper = perfection. You can't beat the satisfaction of curling up by a fire without the snowstorm!


New beginnings

Although traditionally January is the month of new beginnings, to me autumn marks the start of a new year at University, or for others school/work after that long awaited summer holiday. Autumn provides a fresh start and a chance to do things differently. Also – autumn means we are one step closer to Christmas and who doesn’t love that.  

Check out Kettle's article on why we're attracted to certain seasons here