
Why are we attracted to certain seasons?

I bet that you have never thought about the importance of the seasons. Find out which one allures you depending on its characteristics.

Essential Business

Seasons are essential for the seasonal business. They are used to define how to market a certain product. For example, spring months are good for offering cleaning services. Summer is the right time to sell different kinds of summer products. In addition, August is the cash cow for the tourism industry because during this month a lot of people take voyages to other exotic places. Autumn is a bonanza for those who own bookstores because of the back-to-school sales and for all stores that sell costumes and candies because of Halloween.

Winter, in particular December, is one of the most profitable months of the year for the retail business because of the Christmas, New Year’s Eve and after that Valentine’s Day.

Hidden Messages

But beyond the pragmatism of the everyday life, we can think about the meaning of the seasons in another more symbolic way that reveals the hidden message of every season.

If you want to feel the summer, imagine how the sun is shining in the azure sky while the breeze is drifting on by. This season symbolizes the frivolity and the freedom to obtain your wishes. The nice climate conditions predispose to adventurous trips, flirts and a lot of sunbathing. Summer is a favourite of many people because of the possibilities that this season provides. The weather gives you the chance to travel and explore new places. If you are student you are on vacation, so you have time to go clubbing, hang out with friends or practice sport.

Summer symbolizes the growing of character, as well as, a time to search and find more about you. But beyond the symbolic meaning, there is pragmatic one.

Autumn is dedicated to the tender and delicate souls. It symbolizes bounty galore, regarding to the harvest and hospitality and unitedness-let`s not forget that Thanksgiving day is celebrated in autumn. Also, this season is a symbol of change due to the fact that leaves begin to change their color. In addition, they are falling on the ground which can be taken as an end or releasing of some kind of burden. Autumn can be referred to sadness and depression, as well. This season may be interpreted as a new beginning – students start school/ university.

Winter can be accepted as a jolly song by ones and as a time of despair by others. This season is mostly connected with Christmas holidays and the upcoming of the new year`s eve. It can symbolize purity and innocence as everything is covered with snow. Winter is a period when people strike a balance and hope for happiness, luck and health in the new year. However, winter may refer to death and loneliness because of the lack of sunlight. Also, during colder months the land is unfruitful and barren. During the winter a lot of people feel nostalgic about the warmer summer months.

Spring is a joyful and playful season symbol of the rebirth; it comes as a salvation from the colder months. This month increases the enthusiasm of people. They enjoy the beauty of the blooming nature. This verdurous season refers to love, hope, youth and growth. It can be said that nature is waking up after its slumber and starts regenerating- the cycle of life begins again. Flowers are blooming and a new life emerges from plants. This season can be classified with adjectives such as fresh and beautiful. Spring is a period of renewal and growth, of new ideas. Also, during spring months we are celebrating Easter.

Influencing emotions

Seasons are important because they have an influence on people`s emotions. Individuals change their mood according to the season. In spring, people wear delighted smiles on their faces because of the warming weather which indicates that the summer is on its way.  During the summer people can be described as happy and careless. Also, they try to achieve new things as the summer is the month of endless possibilities.If the summer is a time for vacation, autumn is a time when people are returning back to their work places. In the autumn people change their lifestyle and become more responsible. Many people dislike this season because they feel depressed due to the fact that their carefree summer life is replaced by their stressful daily routine.

Winter has ambiguous meaning.  On the one hand people don’t like it because of the cold weather and the lack of sunlight. On the other hand, many people feel cheerful because of Christmas holidays and the chance to gather with their families and exchange presents.


Seasons come with a story and offer people a certain experience. Individuals tend to have favourite season because during this time of the year they feel the best.  Often people associate the season with certain events or with what they have achieved in this period of time. Seasons have a lot of aspects of importance but the main one is the fact that they change our way of living. Sometimes what people need is a change. 

What’s your favourite season and why? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @KettleMag!