
Which method of teeth whitening is right for you?

Which method, teeth whitening, Kettle mag
Written by Nigel Simpkins

Many people consider having their teeth whitened, taking their smile from dull to dazzling with a simple bit of cosmetic dentistry. There are hundreds of different products, treatments and options when it comes to having your teeth whitened but which one is the best? Which one works for you?

Teeth Whitening Kits

Buying teeth whitening kits online is not always a bad thing. Some can do the job well and make your teeth pearly white for a small price. However, most kits are cheap to buy, fiddly to use and can even permanently damage your teeth. Make sure that if you are buying a DIY kit you read the reviews, don’t settle for anything less than perfect and always read the instructions.

For the best results, most good quality dentists will do DIY whitening kits which are guaranteed to give you great results and not burn your mouth off.

Toothpastes and Mouth Wash

Many people use whitening toothpastes or mouth wash that supposedly whitens their teeth gradually. The products are readily available in stores across the country and for a tiny cost as well, yet, that does not always mean the results are as available too.

Using the mouth wash after every brush means that there are less germs/plaque in your mouth that can cause your teeth to be stained. But, hard plaque and yellowed tough stains on the teeth are unlikely to be removed with simple tooth paste or mouth wash. 

These treatments can give you results but these results might not be visible for months. Do you really want to be using whitening tooth paste for years before you notice a great improvement?

Cosmetic Dentistry Teeth Whitening

If you are after fast and lasting results then the best way to gain them is with cosmetic dentistry treatment. London City Smiles offer a fantastic service but it is a little different than a home kit bought online. You will be asked to come to the surgery to get your mouth trays custom made. Essentially these are gum shields that fit perfectly to your teeth. After that you have 14 consecutive nights with the trays in that are to be filled with a low peroxide solution.

This may sound like something from a horror film but once the 14 nights are done you will see your results. After an hour treatment back at the surgery to make sure everything has worked and your mouth is it tip top pearly white condition, you will leave knowing you made the right choice to get your teeth whitening done by an experienced London based dentist. 

The Choice Is Yours

No matter what your reason for deciding to get your teeth whitened is, you needed a little extra sparkle, you wanted the stains to vanish or you wanted to feel more confident; you can achieve all these goals with the right treatment. There may be a lot to think about but make sure that whether cost, results or safety is your main priority for choosing the right option for you, you choose wisely. You don’t want to aim for a mouthful of sparkly white teeth and end up with none at all.