student life

What happens after results?

So you’ve opened that all-important envelope and breathed that breath of relief that you’ve got the grades you needed to go to university. Alternatively, you may have secured your place through clearing or adjustment. 

Either way, you’re off to live the student life! All that is left to do now is deal with the preparation before Fresher’s Week kicks off.

Student Finance

Unless you have thousands of pounds to spare, then Student Finance will be a life saver when it comes to both paying for your course and your living expenses (rent, food, etc.). 

The deadline for new full-time students to apply for Student Finance (2016/17) this year was 27 May. Make sure that all your details are correct and updated if any changes occur. 


Online registration is usually needed to begin your university course. This can consist of basic details, such as address, emergency contact, etc. However, there many be university health practices you may sign up to or other applications for finance, voting, etc. Universities will differ. 

Make sure you complete any online registration before you set off for university. You may need to have completed it prior to any other forms of registration.


A huge part of life at university is where you will be living. Because of this, you should consider what type of accommodation is for you – university-owned or living at home. 

For a lot of students living at home is impractical or too far from the buzz of student life. However, if you find that it works for you, go for it! It will work out cheaper, at the very least. 

But, if you want to venture out into the hive of student activity, have a look at all the university-owned accommodation that is on offer. Open days or accommodation tours are the best chance to experience university accommodation for yourself and decide if it for you. Consider the price, the location from university and how many other students may be living in their with you. 

Make connections

Your course may have its own Facebook page, or something similar. This is an excellent way to get in touch and forge friendships with other people who will be starting your course at the same time. Add them as a friend and get speaking! Posting on the group will allow a lot of people to discover you at once. It is also an prime venue to express any queries that you may have.

Preparing for education

For my Journalism Studies course, I was contacted by my university in advance to start studying shorthand. However, there is a chance that your course doesn’t demand such preparation. If this is the case and you want to get ahead of the game, contact the department or one of the staff members and ask what you can do. 

Usually, an e-mail address for lecturers and tutors can be found on the department’s website. This isn’t an essential part of preparing for university, but it helps build a good work ethic and fills up any free time you may have in the long summer holidays.

Packing and shopping

The time has come. It is time to pack and head off towards university. Firstly, make sure you purchase plates, bowls, cutlery and all other kitchen paraphernalia that you will need to survive by your new self-reliant lonesome. You don’t want to be left with unmade scrambled eggs because you forgot the whisk!

Take clothes, but an appropriate amount. Consider how much storage you will have and think about the upcoming temperature and weather, as Autumn and Winter will be quickly approaching. That summery shirt will be next to useless when you have a 9am lecture and its sprinkling with snow outside.

Find out what size bed you will have in your university accommodation and buy suitably sized bedsheets. Some sentimental items, such as photos, a teddybear, etc, will add a homely touch and help the process of moving in.

What do you think? What advice would you add? Have your say in the comments section below.